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調査レポート「日本の紙袋市場の概要、2029年」によると、この市場は2024年から2029年の間に1億3000万米ドルの増加が見込まれています。この成長を後押ししている要因には、環境への取り組みに対する政府の強力な支援、プラスチック使用に対する規制の強化、そして消費者による持続可能な包装への好みの高まりなどがあります。特に小売業界では、百貨店や高級ファッションブランドを中心に、紙袋の使用が受け入れられています。 消費者は今、環境への責任を明確にしている企業を支持する傾向が強まっており、これが企業がプラスチックから環境にやさしい包装への移行を促す要因となっています。日本製紙や王子ホールディングスなどの国内企業、そしてスマーフ・カッパなどの国際企業を含む日本の紙袋市場の主要企業は、革新的で持続可能な包装資材の開発に多額の投資を行っています。これらの企業は、高度な製造技術を活用して紙袋の機能性と耐久性を向上させ、小売業や外食産業から工業用途まで、幅広い用途に適したものにしています。また、電子商取引や食品デリバリーサービスの成長により、耐久性があり多用途に使える紙袋の需要も高まっており、メーカーにとっては新たなビジネスチャンスが生まれています。
日本の紙袋市場では、さまざまな種類の製品が、それぞれの業界のニーズに合わせて提供されています。例えば、貼り合わせバルブ袋は、農業、化学、建設業界で一般的に使用されており、その耐久性と防塵性により、穀物、セメント、肥料などのバルク材料の包装に最適です。縫製されたオープンマウスバッグは、食品・飲料業界やペットフード業界で広く使用されています。 これらのバッグは頑丈な構造と確実な密封で知られており、小麦粉、ペットフード、粉製品などの包装に最適です。 つまみ底オープンマウスバッグは、素早い充填能力と高い耐久性により、セメント、化学製品、鉱物などの微細な材料の包装に適しており、工業分野で人気です。また、貼り合わせ式オープン・マウス・バッグは、食品および非食品業界の両方でバルク包装用として広く使用されており、充填が容易で、製品の完全性を維持するための確実なシールを実現します。一方、平底袋は、安定性とスペース効率の高いデザインにより、小売および食品包装で人気が高まっています。これらの袋は、店頭で直立できるため、商品の視認性と消費者の購買意欲を高めることができ、特に高級ブランドに好まれています。
• 歴史的な年:2018年
• 基準年:2023年
• 予測年:2024年
• 予測年:2029年
• 紙袋市場の見通しとその価値、予測、およびセグメント
• さまざまな推進要因と課題
• 進行中のトレンドと開発
• トップ企業プロフィール
• 戦略的提言
• 貼り合わせバルブ
• 縫い合わせオープンマウス
• つまみ底オープンマウス
• 貼り合わせオープンマウス
• 平底
• その他
• 食品・飲料
• 小売
• 農業
• 建築・建設
• 化学・製薬
• その他
• 1層
• 2層
• 3層以上
• 茶色クラフト紙
• 白クラフト紙
• オフライン
• オンライン
1. エグゼクティブサマリー
2.2. 前提
2.3. 制限
2.4. 略語
2.5. 情報源
2.6. 定義
2.7. 地理
3. 調査方法
3.1. 二次調査
3.2. 一次データ収集
3.4. 報告書の作成、品質チェックおよび納品
4. 日本のマクロ経済指標
5.3.1. XXXX
5.3.2. XXXX
5.3.3. XXXX
5.3.4. XXXX
5.3.5. XXXX
5.4. コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の影響
5.5. サプライチェーン分析
5.6. 政策および規制の枠組み
5.7. 業界専門家による見解
6. 日本の紙袋市場の概要
6.5. 地域別市場規模と予測
7. 日本の紙袋市場のセグメント
7.1. 日本の紙袋市場、製品タイプ別
7.1.1. 日本の紙袋市場規模、貼り合わせバルブ別、2018年~2029年
7.1.2. 日本の紙袋市場規模、縫い目付きオープンマウス別、2018年~2029年
7.1.3. 日本の紙袋市場規模、底のつまみ部分の開口部別、2018年~2029年
7.1.4. 日本の紙袋市場規模、貼り付け開口部別、2018年~2029年
7.1.5. 日本の紙袋市場規模、平底別、2018年~2029年
7.1.6. 日本の紙袋市場規模、その他別、2018年~2029年
7.2. 日本の紙袋市場、厚さ別
7.2.1. 日本の紙袋市場規模、1層別、2018年~2029年
7.2.2. 日本の紙袋市場規模、2層別、2018年~2029年
7.2.3. 日本の紙袋市場規模、3層以上、2018年~2029年
7.3. 日本の紙袋市場、素材タイプ別
7.3.1. 日本の紙袋市場規模、茶色クラフト紙、2018年~2029年
7.3.2. 日本の紙袋市場規模、白色クラフト紙、2018年~2029年
7.4. 日本の紙袋市場、地域別
7.4.1. 日本の紙袋市場規模、北部、2018年~2029年
7.4.2. 日本の紙袋市場規模、東部、2018年~2029年
7.4.3. 日本の紙袋市場規模、西部、2018年~2029年
7.4.4. 日本の紙袋市場規模、南地域別、2018年~2029年
8. 日本の紙袋市場機会評価
8.1. 製品タイプ別、2024年~2029年
8.2. 厚さ別、2024年~2029年
8.3. 素材タイプ別、2024年~2029年
8.4. 地域別、2024年から2029年
9. 競合状況
9.1. ポーターのファイブフォース
9.2. 企業プロフィール
9.2.1. 企業1 企業概要 企業概要 財務ハイライト 地域別洞察 事業セグメントおよび業績 製品ポートフォリオ 経営陣 戦略的動きと展開
9.2.2. 企業 2
9.2.3. 企業 3
9.2.4. 企業 4
9.2.5. 企業 5
9.2.6. 企業 6
9.2.7. 企業 7
9.2.8. 企業 8
10. 戦略的提言
11. 免責条項
図 1: 日本の紙袋市場規模 価値別(2018年、2023年、2029年予測)(単位:百万米ドル)
図 2: 製品タイプ別市場魅力度指数
According to the research report "Japan Paper Bag Market Overview, 2029," the market is anticipated to add USD 130 Million from 2024 to 2029. A combination of factors is driving this growth, including strong governmental support for environmental initiatives, stricter regulations on plastic use, and an increasing preference for sustainable packaging among consumers. The retail sector, in particular, has embraced the use of paper bags, especially in department stores and high-end fashion brands, where sustainability has become a key aspect of brand identity. Consumers are now more inclined to support businesses that demonstrate environmental responsibility, and this has encouraged companies to shift away from plastic in favor of eco-friendly packaging. Major players in Japan’s paper bag market, including domestic companies like Nippon Paper Industries and Oji Holdings Corporation, as well as international firms such as Smurfit Kappa, have invested heavily in developing innovative, sustainable packaging materials. These companies are leveraging advanced manufacturing techniques to enhance the functionality and durability of paper bags, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, from retail and food service to industrial uses. The growth of e-commerce and food delivery services has also spurred demand for durable, versatile paper bags, creating new opportunities for manufacturers.
Japan’s paper bag market offers a wide variety of product types, each tailored to the needs of different industries. For example, Pasted Valve bags are commonly used in agriculture, chemicals, and construction industries, where their durability and dust-proof properties make them ideal for packaging bulk materials like grains, cement, and fertilizers. Sewn Open Mouth bags are widely used in the food and beverage industry, as well as in the pet food sector. These bags are known for their strong construction and secure closures, making them perfect for packaging products such as flour, pet food, and powdered goods. Pinched Bottom Open Mouth bags are popular in industrial sectors for packaging fine materials like cement, chemicals, and minerals, thanks to their quick-filling capabilities and high durability. Pasted Open Mouth bags, another common choice, are used in both food and non-food industries for bulk packaging, offering ease of filling and secure sealing to maintain product integrity. Meanwhile, Flat Bottom bags are gaining traction in retail and food packaging due to their stability and space-efficient design. These bags are particularly favored by premium brands, as their ability to stand upright on store shelves enhances product visibility and overall consumer appeal.
The end-user industries for Japan’s paper bag market are varied, each with specific needs that paper bags can effectively address. The food and beverage sector is a major consumer of paper bags, especially for takeout, groceries, and specialty food packaging. As sustainability becomes a growing focus for both consumers and businesses, there is an increasing demand for biodegradable and compostable packaging options in this industry. In the retail sector, particularly among high-end department stores and luxury brands, paper bags play a vital role in creating a sustainable brand image. These businesses often opt for high-quality, customizable paper bags that not only serve functional purposes but also align with environmental goals. The agriculture industry relies on durable paper bags for packaging products like seeds, fertilizers, and animal feed, where strength and protection from moisture are crucial. The building and construction industry uses paper bags for packaging materials like cement and mortar, where durability and ease of handling are essential. In the chemicals and pharmaceuticals sector, paper bags are used for lighter materials and powders, with a strong focus on dust-proof and secure packaging. The market is segmented by thickness, with 1-ply, 2-ply, and 3-ply options available to cater to different packaging needs. Material choice also plays a significant role, with Brown Kraft Paper being the most common due to its durability and eco-friendliness, and White Kraft Paper preferred for high-quality printing and branding applications.
Looking ahead, Japan’s paper bag market is well-positioned for sustained growth, driven by stringent environmental regulations, evolving consumer preferences for eco-friendly packaging, and ongoing innovation within the paper bag manufacturing industry. Companies are increasingly focusing on developing sustainable materials that not only meet regulatory and environmental goals but also enhance the durability and visual appeal of their packaging solutions. Japan’s government continues to push for a reduction in plastic waste and an increase in recycling efforts, which aligns with broader global sustainability trends. As a result, paper bags will continue to play an essential role in the country’s packaging industry. Moreover, consumer purchasing decisions are increasingly influenced by sustainability considerations, prompting businesses across various sectors, from retail to construction, to adopt eco-friendly packaging alternatives. The rise of e-commerce and the food delivery sector further boosts the demand for paper bags, as these industries require durable and environmentally sustainable packaging solutions. As Japan continues to prioritize environmental sustainability, the paper bag market is set to expand, with key players leading the charge in innovation and environmental responsibility. This market will be a crucial element in Japan’s broader sustainability strategy, contributing significantly to reducing the country’s reliance on plastic and enhancing its global standing in eco-friendly practices
Considered in this report
• Historic year: 2018
• Base year: 2023
• Estimated year: 2024
• Forecast year: 2029
Aspects covered in this report
• Paper Bag market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation
By Product Type
• Pasted Valve
• Sewn Open Mouth
• Pinched Bottom Open Mouth
• Pasted Open Mouth
• Flat Bottom
• Others
By End-User Industry
• Food & Beverage
• Retail
• Agriculture
• Building & Construction
• Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
• Others
By Thickness
• 1 Ply
• 2 Ply
• 3 Ply or More
By Material Type
• Brown Kraft Paper
• White Kraft Paper
By Distribution Channel
• Offline
• Online
The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.
Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Paper Bag industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.