![]() | • レポートコード:BONA5JA-0019 • 出版社/出版日:Bonafide Research / 2024年1月 • レポート形態:英文、PDF、211ページ • 納品方法:Eメール • 産業分類:自動車&輸送 |
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農業用トラクター産業は、農業の近代化における礎石として、農作業の生産性、効率性、持続可能性の向上に極めて重要な役割を果たしています。農業用トラクターは現代農業の形成において極めて重要な役割を果たし、農家が作物を栽培し収穫する方法に革命をもたらしました。これらの強力な機械は、効率性、生産性、農業部門全体の生産高を大幅に向上させました。農業用トラクター業界は、多種多様なメーカーが存在し、それぞれが独自の専門知識とイノベーションで市場に貢献しています。業界の著名なプレーヤーには、John Deere社、CNH Industrial社(Case IH社、New Holland社)、AGCO Corporation社(Massey Ferguson社、Fendt社、Valtra社)、Kubota Corporation社、Mahindra & Mahindra社などがあります。これらの企業は、最先端の技術を導入し、市場での競争力を維持するために、継続的に研究開発に投資しています。市場ダイナミクスは、世界的な人口増加、食糧増産の必要性、技術の進歩、政府の政策、環境問題などの要因によって影響を受けます。この業界では、より持続可能で精密な農業ソリューションに対する需要が高まっており、メーカー各社は効率向上と環境負荷低減のための先進技術を統合したトラクターの開発に取り組んでいます。小規模で多様な農作業に適した、コンパクトで汎用性の高いトラクターの需要が高まっています。これらのトラクターは、果樹園、ブドウ園、特殊作物など、幅広い用途に対応しています。精密植え付け装置が人気を集めており、農家は種子の配置、間隔、深さを最適化できます。この傾向は、作物の収量と資源利用の向上に貢献しています。業界では、トラクターの販売やサービスのオンライン・プラットフォームへのシフトが進んでいます。Eコマースチャネルは、農家がトラクターを調査、比較、購入する便利な方法を提供し、メンテナンスやサポートサービスに関する情報にもアクセスできます。
Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「世界の農業用トラクター市場の展望、2029年」によると、市場は2023年の631億1000万米ドルから2029年には850億米ドルを超えると予測されています。同市場は2024年から29年までに年平均成長率5.40%で成長する見込みです。2024~29年には年平均成長率13.71%で成長する見込み。世界の人口は増加の一途をたどっており、それに伴い食糧需要も増加しています。増加する人口のニーズに応えるため、農家は農業生産性の向上を迫られています。トラクターは農作業の機械化において重要な役割を果たし、農家はより広い面積を効率的に耕作できるようになります。伝統的な手作業による農法から機械化された農業への転換は、近代的な食料サプライチェーンの需要に応えるために不可欠となっています。トラクターは農作業の効率を大幅に向上させ、耕作、植え付け、収穫などの作業をより短時間でより正確に完了させることができます。技術の継続的な進歩は、農業用トラクター業界を前進させました。最新のトラクターには、GPSガイドシステム、精密農業ツール、テレマティクス、自動化などの最先端技術が搭載されています。これらの機能は生産性を高め、資源の浪費を減らし、持続可能な農業に貢献します。農家が作物の最適な発育のために正確な種子配置と間隔をとることの重要性を認識しているため、精密播種・植え付け機器の需要が高まっています。高度な植え付け技術を搭載したトラクターは、作物収量の増加と農場全体の収益性の向上に貢献しています。新興市場の経済成長により、農業の機械化が進んでいます。これらの地域の農家が生産性と効率の向上を目指す中、トラクターやその他の近代的な農業機械への需要が高まっています。世界中の多くの政府が、トラクターを含む近代的な農業機械に投資する農家を支援し、補助金を支給しています。このような優遇措置により、農家は先進技術を導入するようになり、業界の成長に貢献しています。環境への関心が高まる中、持続可能な農業の実践が世界的に重視されています。電気またはハイブリッド推進システム、排出ガスの削減、精密技術などの機能を備えたトラクターは、業界の持続可能性への取り組みと一致しています。メーカーは、より幅広い農業ニーズに対応するため、製品ラインを多様化しています。小規模農家向けの小型トラクター、特定の作物向けの特殊トラクター、さまざまな作業に対応できる多用途モデルは、より多様で適応性のある業界に貢献しています。
– 世界人口の増加: 世界人口の継続的な増加は、食糧生産を増加させるために農業部門に圧力をかけます。農業用トラクターは、さまざまな農作業を機械化し、より効率的で大規模な栽培を可能にすることで、この需要に応える上で重要な役割を果たしています。増加する人口を養うための食糧増産の必要性がトラクターの需要を押し上げ、農業セクターの機械化と技術進歩を促進しています。
– 技術の進歩: 農業用トラクター業界における継続的な技術革新は、その成長に大きく貢献しています。GPSガイドシステム、精密農業技術、テレマティクス、自動化などの高度な機能は、全体的な効率を向上させ、資源の使用量を削減し、農作業の精度を高めます。世界中の農家が最先端技術を搭載した最新のトラクターを採用し、生産性の向上、運用コストの削減、農業の持続可能性の向上を実現しています。
– 初期コストの高さ: 特に発展途上国では、多くの農家にとって、最新技術を搭載したトラクターを導入するための初期コストは法外に高い場合があります。これは、特に小規模農家や自給自足農家で広く普及するための課題となります。初期費用が高いため、世界の農業コミュニティのかなりの部分が先進的なトラクターを利用できなくなり、近代的農法の普及が妨げられる可能性があります。
– 熟練労働者の不足: 最新型トラクターの運転と保守には、熟練労働力が必要な場合が多い。しかし、多くの地域で熟練オペレーターが不足しており、特に若い世代は農業以外の雇用機会を好む可能性があります。熟練労働者の不足は、トラクター技術の活用不足や非効率的な利用につながり、潜在的な利益を制限することになります。また、近代的なトラクターの操作と保守のスキルギャップを埋めるためのトレーニングプログラムやイニシアチブの必要性も高まっています。
– 精密農業の台頭: GPSガイダンスシステムやセンサー技術などのテクノロジーによって実現される精密農業は、農業用トラクター市場における重要なトレンドです。精密農業ツールを搭載したトラクターによって、農家は資源利用を最適化し、環境への影響を低減し、農場全体の生産性を向上させることができます。精密農業のトレンドは農業を変革し、より持続可能で効率的、かつ環境に優しいものにしています。
– 電気・ハイブリッド・トラクター: 電気トラクターやハイブリッド・トラクターの開発と採用は、環境に対する関心の高まりに対応した増加傾向にあります。これらのトラクターは、温室効果ガスの排出を削減し、従来の燃料への依存を減らし、より持続可能な農業に貢献することを目的としています。電気トラクターやハイブリッドトラクターへのシフトは、世界的な持続可能性の目標に沿うものであり、環境に優しい農法を求める消費者の需要に応えるものです。
– 2023年8月、マヒンドラは軽量4WDトラクター「マヒンドラOJA」の7つの新モデルを発売しました。この新発売は、インド農業の変革に向けた同社の取り組みの一環。
– John Deere社は、2023年3月に7、8、9シリーズトラクターのMY24アップデートを発表。
– マヒンドラ&マヒンドラは、2023年4月に40機種のトラクターを展開する新しいトラクタープラットフォームOJAを発表。ターゲットはタイ、インド、アフリカ、日本。
– AGCOは2022年8月、VarioDriveトランスミッションとFendt iD低エンジン回転数コンセプトによりパワートレインをアップグレードした最新のFendt 700 Varioシリーズトラクターを発表。この新世代は、お客様の効率性と生産性の向上を目指しています。
– 2022年11月、ZETOR TRACTORSとVST Tillers Tractors Ltd.がCII Agro Tech India 2022展示会でクラス最高のトラクター2台を発表しました。これらのトラクターは50HPと45HPのカテゴリーで、ZETORとVSTがインドとチェコ共和国の施設で導入に成功しました。
– 歴史的な年 2018
– 基準年 2023
– 推定年 2024
– 予測年 2029
– 農業用トラクター市場の展望とその価値とセグメント別予測
– 様々な推進要因と課題
– 進行中のトレンドと開発
– 注目企業
– 戦略的提言
– 30馬力未満
– 30 hp – 100 hp
– 100馬力~200馬力
– 200馬力以上
– IC
– 電気式
– 2WD
– 4WD
– 手動トラクター車
– 自律走行トラクター車
– 収穫
– 種まき
– 散布
– その他
The Agricultural Tractor industry stands as a cornerstone in the modernization of agriculture, playing a pivotal role in enhancing productivity, efficiency, and sustainability in farming practices. Agricultural tractors have played a pivotal role in shaping modern agriculture, revolutionizing the way farmers cultivate and harvest their crops. These powerful machines have significantly increased efficiency, productivity, and the overall output of the agricultural sector. The agricultural tractor industry is marked by a diverse range of manufacturers, each contributing to the market with their unique expertise and innovations. Prominent players in the industry include John Deere, CNH Industrial (Case IH and New Holland), AGCO Corporation (Massey Ferguson, Fendt, and Valtra), Kubota Corporation, and Mahindra & Mahindra, among others. These companies continuously invest in research and development to introduce cutting-edge technologies and maintain a competitive edge in the market. Market dynamics are influenced by factors such as global population growth, the need for increased food production, technological advancements, government policies, and environmental concerns. The industry has witnessed a growing demand for more sustainable and precision farming solutions, driving manufacturers to develop tractors that integrate advanced technologies for improved efficiency and reduced environmental impact. There is a growing demand for compact and versatile tractors suitable for small-scale and diversified farming operations. These tractors cater to a wide range of applications, including orchards, vineyards, and specialty crops. Precision planting equipment is gaining popularity, allowing farmers to optimize seed placement, spacing, and depth. This trend contributes to improved crop yields and resource utilization. The industry is experiencing a shift towards online platforms for tractor sales and services. E-commerce channels provide farmers with a convenient way to explore, compare, and purchase tractors, along with access to information on maintenance and support services.
According to the research report, “Global Agricultural Tractor Market Outlook, 2029” published by Bonafide Research, the market is anticipated to cross USD 85 Billion by 2029, increasing from USD 63.11 Billion in 2023. The market is expected to grow with 5.40% CAGR by 2024-29. The market is expected to grow with 13.71% CAGR by 2024-29. The world's population continues to grow, leading to a rising demand for food. To meet the needs of a growing population, farmers are under pressure to enhance agricultural productivity. Tractors play a crucial role in mechanizing farming processes, enabling farmers to cultivate larger areas efficiently. The shift from traditional, manual farming practices to mechanized agriculture has become imperative for meeting the demands of a modern food supply chain. Tractors significantly increase the efficiency of farming operations, allowing tasks such as plowing, planting, and harvesting to be completed in less time and with greater precision. Ongoing advancements in technology have propelled the Agricultural Tractor industry forward. Modern tractors are equipped with cutting-edge technologies such as GPS-guided systems, precision farming tools, telematics, and automation. These features enhance productivity, reduce resource wastage, and contribute to sustainable farming practices. The demand for precision seeding and planting equipment has grown, as farmers recognize the importance of accurate seed placement and spacing for optimal crop development. Tractors equipped with advanced planting technologies contribute to higher crop yields and overall farm profitability. Economic growth in emerging markets has led to increased mechanization in agriculture. As farmers in these regions seek to improve productivity and efficiency, there is a growing demand for tractors and other modern agricultural machinery. Many governments around the world provide support and subsidies to farmers to invest in modern agricultural equipment, including tractors. These incentives encourage farmers to adopt advanced technologies and contribute to the industry's growth. With growing environmental concerns, there is a global emphasis on sustainable agriculture practices. Tractors with features such as electric or hybrid propulsion systems, reduced emissions, and precision technologies align with the industry's commitment to sustainability. Manufacturers are diversifying their product lines to cater to a broader range of farming needs. Compact tractors for small farms, specialty tractors for specific crops, and versatile models that can handle various tasks contribute to a more diverse and adaptable industry.
Market Drivers
• Global Population Growth: The continuously growing global population exerts pressure on the agricultural sector to increase food production. Agricultural tractors play a crucial role in meeting this demand by mechanizing various farming activities, allowing for higher efficiency and larger-scale cultivation. The need for increased food production to feed the growing population drives the demand for tractors, promoting mechanization and technological advancements in the agricultural sector.
• Technological Advancements: Ongoing technological innovations in the agricultural tractor industry significantly contribute to its growth. Advanced features such as GPS-guided systems, precision agriculture technologies, telematics, and automation improve overall efficiency, reduce resource usage, and enhance the precision of farming operations. Farmers worldwide are adopting modern tractors equipped with cutting-edge technologies, leading to increased productivity, reduced operational costs, and improved sustainability in agriculture.
Market Challenges
• High Initial Cost: The initial cost of acquiring modern, technologically advanced tractors can be prohibitively high for many farmers, especially in developing countries. This poses a challenge for widespread adoption, particularly among small-scale and subsistence farmers. The high upfront cost may limit the accessibility of advanced tractors to a significant portion of the global farming community, hindering the widespread adoption of modern agricultural practices.
• Skilled Labor Shortages: Operating and maintaining modern tractors often require skilled labor. However, there is a shortage of skilled operators in many regions, especially as younger generations may prefer non-agricultural employment opportunities. The shortage of skilled labor can lead to underutilization or inefficient use of tractor technology, limiting its potential benefits. It also increases the need for training programs and initiatives to bridge the skills gap in operating and maintaining modern tractors.
Market Trends
• Rise of Precision Agriculture: Precision agriculture, enabled by technologies such as GPS guidance systems and sensor technologies, is a significant trend in the agricultural tractor market. Tractors equipped with precision farming tools allow farmers to optimize resource use, reduce environmental impact, and increase overall farm productivity. The trend toward precision agriculture is transforming farming practices, making them more sustainable, efficient, and environmentally friendly.
• Electric and Hybrid Tractors: The development and adoption of electric and hybrid tractors represent a growing trend in response to increasing environmental concerns. These tractors aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decrease reliance on traditional fuels, and contribute to a more sustainable agricultural industry. The shift toward electric and hybrid tractors aligns with global sustainability goals and responds to consumer demand for environmentally friendly farming practices.
Covid-19 Impacts
The pandemic has disrupted global supply chains, affecting the production and delivery of agricultural machinery, including tractors. Factory closures, restrictions on movement, and logistical challenges led to delays and shortages in the availability of tractor components, impacting manufacturers' ability to meet demand. Lockdowns, travel restrictions, and health concerns led to labor shortages in various agricultural regions. The lack of skilled labor for operating and maintaining tractors posed challenges to farmers, impacting the optimal utilization of agricultural machinery. Economic uncertainties caused by the pandemic influenced farmers' investment decisions. Some farmers delayed or scaled back their plans to purchase new tractors due to concerns about the economic fallout, fluctuating commodity prices, and the overall financial impact of the pandemic on their operations. Several governments implemented support measures and stimulus packages to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic. In some cases, these measures included financial support for the agricultural sector, which could have positively influenced tractor sales and adoption in certain regions. The pandemic highlighted the importance of resilient and localized food supply chains. Some regions experienced a shift in agricultural priorities, with a renewed focus on sustainable and self-sufficient farming practices. This shift could influence the demand for tractors; especially those tailored for smaller-scale and diversified farming operations. The need for efficiency and resource optimization gained prominence during the pandemic. Farmers showed increased interest in precision agriculture technologies, including those integrated into tractors. These technologies aim to improve overall farm management and mitigate the impact of external disruptions on agricultural productivity. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital technologies in various sectors, including agriculture. E-commerce platforms for agricultural machinery gained traction as farmers sought alternative ways to explore, purchase, and access information about tractors without physical interaction. Despite the challenges, the agricultural sector demonstrated resilience and adaptability. Farmers recognized the critical role of technology, including tractors, in maintaining food production. This awareness could lead to increased investment in modern agricultural machinery as part of long-term strategies to build resilience against future disruptions.
Sub-30 HP tractors are well-suited for small and diversified farming operations. Many farmers, especially in emerging economies and regions with small landholdings, find these tractors more adaptable to their scale of farming.
Sub-30 HP tractors have found widespread acceptance, particularly among small-scale and diversified farming operations. Their adaptability to the scale of small landholdings, combined with their multifunctionality, makes them an ideal choice for a variety of tasks, ranging from plowing and planting to cultivating and transportation of goods. One of the pivotal reasons for their market leadership is their affordability. Sub-30 HP tractors generally come with a lower upfront cost compared to larger models, enabling small-scale farmers to embrace mechanized farming without incurring a substantial financial burden. The ease of use associated with these tractors further enhances their appeal, as they are often designed with simplicity in mind, catering to operators with varying levels of experience. Fuel efficiency is another key advantage, contributing to operational cost savings, a critical consideration for farmers with limited resources. The versatility of these tractors is complemented by customization options offered by manufacturers, allowing farmers to tailor the machinery to their specific needs. In regions where agriculture plays a significant role in the economy, particularly in emerging markets, the prevalence of small-scale farming has driven the demand for sub-30 HP tractors. Additionally, government subsidies and support programs targeted specifically at smaller tractors have further boosted their adoption. The suitability of these tractors for horticulture and the cultivation of specialty crops, where precision and agility are paramount, has added to their popularity. Moreover, in regions where shared usage and rental models are prevalent, the cost-effectiveness of sub-30 HP tractors makes them a practical choice.
Internal Combustion (IC) engine-powered agricultural tractors continue to lead the market powered by either gasoline or diesel engines as they demonstrated enduring popularity and widespread adoption.
Internal Combustion (IC) engine-powered agricultural tractors remain at the forefront of the market due to a combination of historical reliability, proven technology, and unmatched performance characteristics. These tractors, propelled by either gasoline or diesel engines, have stood the test of time and established themselves as the go-to choice for farmers globally. Diesel engines, in particular, have become synonymous with agricultural machinery, owing to their exceptional torque and power output. The high torque provided by these engines is essential for heavy-duty tasks such as plowing, tilling, and hauling, making them well-suited for the demanding requirements of modern agriculture. Additionally, the durability and reliability of IC engines contribute significantly to their market leadership. Farmers value the robustness of these engines, knowing that they can withstand the rigors of prolonged and often challenging field operations. The long history of IC engines in agriculture has led to a well-established infrastructure for maintenance and repair, further enhancing their appeal. The familiarity of farmers with these engines, along with the widespread availability of spare parts and servicing facilities, adds to their reliability. Furthermore, IC engines offer a range of power options, allowing farmers to choose tractors with the horsepower that best suits their specific needs. While there is a growing interest in alternative propulsion technologies, such as electric or hybrid tractors, the proven track record, power output, and overall dependability of IC engines continue to make them the preferred choice for the majority of farmers, contributing to their continued leadership in the agricultural tractor market.
The dominance of 2-wheel drive (2WD) agricultural tractors in the market can be attributed to a combination of versatility, cost-effectiveness, and widespread applicability across various farming scenarios.
2-wheel drive (2WD) tractors, which are driven by either the front or rear wheels, have established themselves as the leading choice for farmers globally. One key factor contributing to their market leadership is their versatility. 2WD tractors are well-suited for a range of farming operations, from basic field preparation to crop cultivation and transportation. Their relatively simple design and mechanical configuration make them adaptable to diverse terrains, allowing farmers to navigate through fields with different soil types and topographies. Another significant factor is cost-effectiveness. 2WD tractors are generally more affordable than their 4-wheel drive counterparts, making them accessible to a broader segment of the farming community. This affordability is particularly advantageous for small-scale and resource-constrained farmers who prioritize a balance between functionality and cost. Additionally, the reduced mechanical complexity of 2WD tractors often translates to lower maintenance costs, contributing to their overall economic appeal. The applicability of 2WD tractors is further emphasized in regions where the scale of farming operations and the nature of the terrain do not necessitate the enhanced traction provided by 4WD models. While 4WD tractors excel in challenging conditions, 2WD tractors continue to be the preferred choice for many farmers due to their cost-effectiveness and ability to handle a wide range of routine farming tasks. As agricultural practices continue to evolve, the adaptability and economic advantages of 2WD tractors position them as market leaders, especially in regions where their features align with the predominant needs and resources of the farming community.
The leadership of agricultural tractors in harvesting applications can be attributed to their pivotal role in streamlining and optimizing the crucial phase of crop harvesting.
The harvesting process demands a robust and powerful machine capable of efficiently collecting and processing crops, and agricultural tractors are designed with these specific requirements in mind. Equipped with advanced features such as powerful engines, precision steering, and customizable attachments like combine harvesters and forage harvesters, these tractors offer a comprehensive solution for diverse harvesting needs. The adaptability of these tractors to different crops and terrains makes them versatile tools in the hands of farmers. Secondly, the integration of technology into modern harvesting tractors has further solidified their market leadership. GPS-guided systems and precision farming technologies enable farmers to optimize the harvesting process, enhancing efficiency and reducing wastage. Automated features, such as auto-steering and data-driven decision-making capabilities, contribute to the overall precision and effectiveness of harvesting operations. Additionally, the ability of harvesting tractors to seamlessly incorporate innovative technologies like sensors and real-time monitoring systems ensures that farmers can make informed decisions, ultimately improving crop yield and quality. Furthermore, the modularity and customization options available with harvesting tractors allow farmers to adapt their equipment to specific crop varieties and field conditions. This flexibility enhances the overall efficiency of the harvesting process. Finally, the economic considerations play a crucial role. While the initial investment in a harvesting tractor may be substantial, the long-term benefits in terms of increased productivity, reduced labor costs, and optimized resource utilization position these tractors as strategic investments for farmers looking to enhance their harvesting capabilities. As global agriculture evolves towards more technologically advanced and sustainable practices, the continued leadership of harvesting applications for agricultural tractors is expected, driven by the relentless pursuit of efficiency, precision, and economic viability in modern farming practices.
Manual tractors are often more affordable than their automated or autonomous counterparts. In regions where economic constraints limit the adoption of high-tech solutions, manual tractors remain a practical and cost-effective choice for small-scale farmers.
Manual tractors are known for their simplicity in design and operation. Farmers who are accustomed to traditional farming methods and have limited access to advanced training may find manual tractors more user-friendly. These tractors are often perceived as reliable and straightforward, requiring less maintenance. Manual tractors can be easily adapted for various tasks through the attachment of different implements. This adaptability allows farmers to use manual tractors in a wide range of agricultural activities without the need for complex technological adjustments. In regions where there is a lack of technical expertise or infrastructure to support the maintenance and repair of advanced machinery, manual tractors may be preferred. The familiarity of local farmers with manual tractor systems, coupled with the availability of spare parts, can contribute to their continued use.
Based on the regions, sheer scale and diversity of agriculture in Asia-Pacific has created the region to be the dominating factor.
With a significant portion of the global population engaged in farming activities, the demand for agricultural tractors is inherently high. The vast and varied landscapes, ranging from expansive plains to hilly terrains, require tractors with diverse capabilities, and manufacturers have responded by offering a wide range of models tailored to meet the specific needs of farmers across Asia-Pacific. Moreover, the prevalence of small-scale and family-owned farms in many Asian countries aligns with the versatile and cost-effective nature of agricultural tractors, particularly those with lower horsepower ratings, facilitating their widespread adoption. Government policies and support also play a crucial role in propelling the dominance of agricultural tractors in the Asia-Pacific region. Many governments in this region have implemented initiatives to promote mechanization in agriculture, offering subsidies, financial incentives, and easy access to credit for farmers looking to invest in modern agricultural machinery. These supportive measures stimulate tractor adoption, contributing to the overall market leadership. Furthermore, the Asia-Pacific region has witnessed rapid economic development and urbanization, leading to a transformation in dietary habits and an increased demand for diverse crops. To meet these changing consumption patterns, farmers are embracing mechanized farming practices facilitated by agricultural tractors. The need for increased productivity and efficiency to cater to the burgeoning population further drives the demand for technologically advanced tractors, including those equipped with precision agriculture features. In addition to these factors, the Asia-Pacific region is at the forefront of technological innovations in agriculture. Farmers are increasingly integrating digital technologies, GPS-guided systems, and precision farming tools into their operations, and tractors play a central role in this technological revolution. The adoption of smart farming practices contributes to the region's leadership in modernizing agriculture through advanced machinery.
Vendors actively invest in R&D to develop fundamental technology to establish competitiveness by enhancing core product technology in the agricultural tractor industry. Vendors differentiate themselves by enhancing product development, focusing on after-sales business, and cutting costs through greater operational efficiency. There is competition in the industry in the pursuit of large-scale farming. The agriculture industry is experiencing slow growth and tends to have a competitive environment, heavily influenced by price due to supply balancing demand. Price competition tends to be more significant for new tractor orders than aftermarket services. Considering the forecast for 2029, pricing for new tractor orders is expected to be a particularly influential competitive factor. Competition in the aftermarket portion of the tractor market is majorly against large, well-established national and global competitors and, in some markets, against regional and local companies.
• In August 2023, Mahindra launched seven new models of its lightweight 4WD tractor “Mahindra OJA”. The new launch came as part of the company’s effort to transform Indian farming.
• John Deere has announced MY24 updates for its 7, 8, and 9 Series Tractors lineup in March 2023, which will help prepare them for the future of precision agriculture.
• Mahindra & Mahindra launched a new tractor platform, OJA, under which the company will roll out 40 tractor models in April 2023. The company will target Thailand, India, Africa, and Japan markets.
• AGCO launched the latest Fendt 700 Vario series tractors in August 2022, featuring an upgraded powertrain with VarioDrive transmission and Fendt iD low engine speed concept. This new generation aims to enhance efficiency and productivity for customers.
• In November 2022, two best-in-class tractors were launched at the CII Agro Tech India 2022 exhibition by ZETOR TRACTORS and VST Tillers Tractors Ltd. These tractors in the 50 HP and 45 HP categories were successfully implemented by ZETOR and VST at their facilities in India and the Czech Republic.
Considered in this report
• Historic year: 2018
• Base year: 2023
• Estimated year: 2024
• Forecast year: 2029
Aspects covered in this report
• Agricultural Tractor market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation
By Engine Power
• Below 30 HP
• 30 HP - 100 HP
• 100 HP - 200 HP
• Above 200 HP
By Propulsion
• IC
• Electric
By Drive Type
• 2WD
• 4WD
By Level of Autonomy
• Manual Tractor Vehicle
• Autonomous Tractor Vehicle
By Application
• Harvesting
• Seed Sowing
• Spraying
• Others
The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.
Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Agricultural Tractor industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.
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