▶ 調査レポート


• 英文タイトル:Japan Fermentation Chemical Market Overview, 2029

Bonafide Researchが調査・発行した産業分析レポートです。日本の発酵化学市場(~2029年):製品種類別(アルコール発酵、有機酸、酵素、その他)、市場規模 / Japan Fermentation Chemical Market Overview, 2029 / BONA5JA-0140資料のイメージです。• レポートコード:BONA5JA-0140
• 出版社/出版日:Bonafide Research / 2024年7月
• レポート形態:英文、PDF、65ページ
• 納品方法:Eメール
• 産業分類:化学&材料
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日本の発酵技術は、味噌、醤油、日本酒などの食品加工の過程で数世紀前に誕生しました。 伝統的な発酵技術は、今日の工業的発酵の基礎となりました。 20世紀には、日本は高度な科学的研究と伝統的な経験を融合させ、ハイテク発酵プロセスを開発しました。 この時期に、アミノ酸、抗生物質、酵素の生産が大幅に拡大しました。味の素株式会社や協和発酵バイオ株式会社などの企業がイノベーターとなり、発酵化学物質の革新と幅広い産業分野での用途開発を進めました。今日、日本は、この豊かな伝統と高度なバイオテクノロジーを融合した遺産を守り続けています。日本の発酵化学物質市場の中心は、持続可能性に向けられています。再生可能な資源を利用し、廃棄物を削減する「グリーン発酵プロセス」が、ほとんどの企業で採用されています。生産施設のエネルギー効率を高め、生分解性製品を開発するための取り組みが行われています。例えば、乳酸発酵は、石油由来の原料への依存度を低減するために、生分解性プラスチックの製造に使用されています。こうした進歩にもかかわらず、日本の発酵化学産業は環境面での問題に悩まされ続けています。 実際、生産工程では大量の廃棄物と膨大なエネルギー消費が発生します。 これらの問題に対処するため、各社は廃棄物の削減とエネルギー効率の改善を目的とした技術に投資しています。 発酵プラントからの排出物に関するその他の懸念事項として、温室効果ガスがあります。このため、業界は二酸化炭素の吸収と利用技術の研究が急務となっています。発酵プロセスにおける水の使用は、環境への影響を低減するために最適化されています。2024年には、日本のバイオテクノロジー企業であるFermelantaが、発酵により、より安全でコスト効率の高い化学物質代替品を提供しています。同社は、環境にやさしい発酵により天然化学物質を抽出し、生物の機能を向上させています。
ボナフィード・リサーチが発行した調査レポート「日本発酵化学市場の概要、2029年」によると、日本発酵化学市場は2024年から2029年にかけて年平均成長率6%以上で成長すると予測されています。高度なロジスティクス、効率的な生産工程、優れた品質管理対策が、発酵化学物質の日本のサプライチェーンの特徴です。このサプライチェーンは、原材料の調達から完成品の流通まで、高品質な製品が国内および国際市場に確実に届くことを保証しています。効率性と信頼性の向上は、リアルタイムの追跡やシステムの自動化などのサプライチェーン管理の革新によって実現されています。発酵化学市場では、味の素株式会社、協和発酵バイオ株式会社、明治製菓株式会社などの日本企業が活躍しています。これらの企業は、バイオテクノロジーのグローバルな発展に多大な貢献を果たし、発酵化学市場で大きなシェアを獲得し、革新的な製品と品質の高さで知られています。業界の拡大ペースは、戦略的パートナーシップと研究開発への確固たる取り組みによって決定されます。日本では発酵化学品に対する規制の枠組みが非常に厳格であるため、安全性、品質、環境保護に関する基準が満たされています。これらの基準は、生産プロセスや製品の安全性、環境への影響を規制するものであり、同時に責任ある企業活動の育成も促しています。国際基準への準拠は、グローバルな貿易や市場規模の拡大を容易にします。発酵産業は、石油化学ルートで商業的に製造されているさまざまな化学物質の生産に代わる持続可能な技術として台頭しています。この大きな転換の主な理由は、従来の化石燃料ベースのルートが深刻な環境脅威をもたらしているため、化学部門の脱炭素化に向けた世界的な取り組みです。例えば、2022年には、一次化学物質の合成中に直接排出された二酸化炭素(CO2)は約920 Mtでした。CO2は温室効果ガス(GHG)の中でも特に影響力の大きい気候変動要因であり、地球温暖化に大きく寄与しています。発酵産業は、食用および非食用バイオマス由来の発酵性有機炭素を利用し、微生物細胞工場で付加価値の高い製品に変換することで、大きく成長しています。そのため、このルートを介したバイオベース化学物質の生産は、低炭素またはゼロ炭素排出量と関連付けられることが多く、結果としてカーボンニュートラルまたはカーボンネガティブな製品となります。



• 歴史年:2018年
• 基準年:2023年
• 予測年:2024年
• 予測年:2029年

• 発酵化学市場の見通しとその価値、およびセグメント別の予測
• さまざまな推進要因と課題
• 進行中のトレンドと開発
• トップ企業プロフィール
• 戦略的提言

• アルコール発酵
• 有機酸
• 酵素
• その他の製品タイプ

• 工業用
• 食品および飲料
• 医薬品および栄養補助食品
• プラスチックおよび繊維
• その他の用途





1. エグゼクティブサマリー
2.2. 前提
2.3. 制限
2.4. 略語
2.5. 情報源
2.6. 定義
2.7. 地理
3. 調査方法
3.1. 二次調査
3.2. 一次データ収集
3.4. 報告書の作成、品質チェックおよび納品
4. 日本のマクロ経済指標
5.3.1. XXXX
5.3.2. XXXX
5.3.3. XXXX
5.3.4. XXXX
5.3.5. XXXX
5.4. コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の影響
5.5. サプライチェーン分析
5.6. 政策および規制の枠組み
5.7. 業界専門家による見解
6. 日本発酵化学市場の概要
7. 日本発酵化学物質市場の区分
7.1. 日本発酵化学物質市場、製品タイプ別
7.1.1. 日本発酵化学物質市場規模、アルコール発酵別、2018年~2029年
7.1.2. 日本発酵化学物質市場規模、有機酸別、2018年~2029年
7.1.3. 日本発酵化学市場規模、酵素別、2018年~2029年
7.1.4. 日本発酵化学市場規模、その他別、2018年~2029年
7.2. 日本発酵化学市場、用途別
7.2.1. 日本発酵化学市場規模、産業別、2018年~2029年
7.2.2. 日本発酵化学市場規模、食品および飲料別、2018年~2029年
7.2.3. 日本発酵化学市場規模、医薬品および栄養補助食品別、2018年~2029年
7.2.4. 日本発酵化学市場規模、プラスチックおよび繊維別、2018年~2029年
7.2.5. 日本発酵化学市場規模、その他別、2018年~2029年
7.3. 日本発酵化学市場、地域別
7.3.1. 日本発酵化学市場規模、北別、2018年~2029年
7.3.2. 日本発酵化学市場規模、東別、2018年~2029年
7.3.3. 日本発酵化学市場規模、西日本、2018年~2029年
7.3.4. 日本発酵化学市場規模、南日本、2018年~2029年
8. 日本発酵化学市場機会評価
8.1. 製品タイプ別、2024年~2029年
8.2. 用途別、2024年から2029年
8.3. 地域別、2024年から2029年
9. 競合状況
9.1. ポーターのファイブフォース
9.2. 企業プロフィール
9.2.1. 企業1 企業概要 企業概要 財務ハイライト 地域別洞察 事業セグメントおよび業績 製品ポートフォリオ 経営陣 戦略的動きおよび開発
9.2.2. 企業 2
9.2.3. 企業 3
9.2.4. 企業 4
9.2.5. 企業 5
9.2.6. 企業 6
9.2.7. 企業 7
9.2.8. 企業 8
10. 戦略的提言
11. 免責事項





Japan's fermentation technology was born several centuries ago during the processing of foods like miso, soy sauce, and sake. Their traditional techniques of fermentation laid the foundation for today's industrial fermentation. In the 20th century, Japan put to use its traditional experience in tandem with sophisticated scientific research in developing high-tech fermentation processes. This was the period of major expansion in the production of amino acid, antibiotics, and enzymes. Companies like Ajinomoto Co., Inc. and Kyowa Hakko Bio Co., Ltd. became innovators, developing the innovations and multiplying uses for fermentation chemicals in a broad spectrum of industries. Today, Japan continues to uphold this rich heritage of tradition combined with sophisticated biotechnology. The core focus of Japan's fermentation chemicals market has been oriented toward sustainability. Green fermentation processes, involving renewable resources and cutting down on wastes, are mostly adopted by the companies. Initiatives are taken in order to enhance the energy efficiency of production facilities and to develop biodegradable products. For instance, lactic acid fermented is used in making biodegradable plastics in order to reduce dependence on petroleum-based materials. Despite the strides, Japan's fermentation chemicals industry remains beleaguered with problem issues in the environmental realm. Indeed, the production processes can result in large amounts of waste generation and tons of energy consumption. In a drive to address these problems, companies are putting money into technologies aimed at reducing levels of waste and improving energy efficiency. Other concerns for emission by fermentation plants include greenhouse gases. To this end, it is incumbent upon the industry to explore carbon capture and utilization technologies. Water usage in fermentation processes is now optimized to reduce less their impact on the environment. In 2024, Fermelanta, a Japanese biotech business, uses fermentation to provide safer, more cost-effective alternatives to chemicals. The company uses eco-friendly fermentation to extract natural chemicals and improve organism function.

According to the research report “ Japan Fermentation Chemicals Market Overview, 2029," published by Bonafide Research, the Japan Fermentation Chemicals market is anticipated to grow at more than 6% CAGR from 2024 to 2029.. Advanced logistics, efficient ways of production processes, and good quality control measures characterize Japan's supply chain for fermentation chemicals. The supply chain ensures that quality products get to both the domestic and international markets, from sourcing raw materials to distribution of ready products. Increased efficiency and reliability come through supply chain management innovations such as real-time tracking and automation of systems. Companies from Japan in the fermentation chemicals market include Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Kyowa Hakko Bio Co., Ltd., and Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd. They have made huge contributions toward increasing global biotechnology, gained a sizeable share of the fermentation chemicals market, and are defiantly known for their innovative and quality products. The pace through which it expands the industry is set by strategic partnerships and firm commitments to research and development. The regulatory framework is very strict for fermentation chemicals in Japan, thereby enabling standards in matters concerning safety, quality, and environmental protection. These regulate the process of production and product safety and its impacts on the environment, while at the same time fostering responsible business practices. Compliance with international standards eases global trade and expansion of market size. Fermentation industry is emerging as sustainable technological alternative to cater the production of various chemical building blocks which are commercially manufactured by petrochemical route. The primary reason for this major transition is global commitment towards decarbonisation of chemical sector, as their conventional fossil-based routes pose serious environmental threat. For instance, in 2022, the direct carbon dioxide (CO2) emission during synthesis of primary chemicals accounted for ∼ 920 Mt. CO2 is one of the prominent greenhouse gases (GHG’s), contributing majorly towards global warming effect and drastic climate change. Fermentation industry largely thrives on exploiting fermentable and organic carbon derived from edible and/or non-edible biomass and transforming them to valorized products using microbial cell factories. Therefore, the production of bio-based chemicals via this route is often associated with low or zero-carbon footprint, resulting in either carbon neutral or carbon negative products.

The domestic landscape with respect to the fermentation chemicals market in Japan is characterized by great diversity and technological sophistication, reflecting the rich heritage of culture and modern industrial might of this country. It is dominated by the alcohol fermentation segment, deeply rooted in traditional beverage production such as the manufacture of sake and shochu, while it diversifies in exploring bioethanol for sustainable energy solutions. It best explains Japan's dexterity in fusing ancient techniques with cutting-edge biotechnology. This segment gives impetus to industry growth through demand in food, pharmaceuticals, and industrial applications. The potential of a Japanese focus towardshigh-quality, sustainable chemical solutions is underpinned by the manufacture of citric acid, lactic acid in its biodegradable plastics, and other acetic acids. No less sophisticated is the enzyme or this particular industry in Japan; it houses a comprehensive range of enzymes such as amylases, proteases, and lipases for various applications in food processing, detergents, and production of biofuel. Because this sector is innovative, it continues to improve enzyme efficiency and find new applications. Although these are the main areas, there is a whole host of other products in Japan's fermentation chemicals market that demonstrates the depth of biotechnology capabilities in the country. Amino acid production, with glutamic acid used in MSG and lysine in animal feed, further reflects Japan's strengths in flavor enhancement and nutrition. This countryproduces nucleic acids, vitamins, and polysaccharides through fermentation, serving industries from food to cosmetics. Besides, Japan is piloting research into biopolymers and probiotics for industries related to sustainable materials and functional foods. Production of specialty chemicals like bio-based succinic acid further epitomizes the efforts of Japan in developing high value, sustainable products through fermentation technologies.

Japan is a leader in the industrial use of fermentation technology—for example, production of enzymes like amylases and proteases for the textile, paper, and biofuel industries. Ajinomoto Co. of Japan is among the world's largest producers of amino acids; some of these are fabricated through fermentation. Fermentation is a process that has been utilized to modify and produce foods since antiquity. Whether by serendipity or design, humans soon learned that the characteristics of foods changed upon storage, and some of these changes created desirable new flavor profiles and could be exploited to preserve the food. Nearly all food commodities can be fermented including meat, fish, milk, grains, fruit, and vegetables. Fermentation generates a variety of preserved foods that are currently increasing in popularity. It transforms the sensory characteristics, digestibility, and nutrient content of foods.Japan is no exception and is home to a variety of fermented products including shoyu (soy sauce), tsukemono (pickled vegetables), and umeboshi (fermented plums). Of all the Japanese fermented food exports, perhaps the most well-known is miso. Miso is a fermented soybean paste used most often as the flavoring for miso soup. The characteristic savory flavor of miso is becoming increasingly popular in Western cuisine, where it is used by cooks and chefs as a seasoning, in marinades, and even desserts. This is one of the leading and growth application areas in Japan. Fermentation processes produce traditional Japanese foods, including soy sauce, miso, and saka. Besides that, enzymes and organic acids find a host of other applications in food and beverage products for flavor enhancement, preservatives, and improving texture. Various types of medicines or pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements are produced in Japan through fermentation. Many of the antibiotics are prepared through fermentation, while amino acids used in nutritional supplements are a by-product of fermentation. For example, some of the products from Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. prepared using fermentation processes include. Japan leads in bioplastics manufacture using fermentation technology. For example, PLA stands for polylactic acid and it is derived from lactic acid produced through the fermentation of plant material. Bioplastics are produced by firms like Teijin Limited. Fermentation products in Japan have so many other uses. Examples include use in animal feeding, cosmetics, cleaning products. Kyowa Hakko Bio Co., Ltd. makes a line of fermentation derivatives, including amino acids for makeup or enzymes for animal feed.

Considered in this report
• Historic year: 2018
• Base year: 2023
• Estimated year: 2024
• Forecast year: 2029

Aspects covered in this report
• Fermentation Chemicals market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Product Type
• Alcohol Fermentation
• Organic Acids
• Enzymes
• Other Product Types

By Application
• Industrial
• Food and Beverage
• Pharmaceutical and Nutritional
• Plastics and Fibers
• Other Applications

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Fermentation Chemicals industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.
