▶ 調査レポート


• 英文タイトル:Japan Electric Bus Market Overview, 2029

Bonafide Researchが調査・発行した産業分析レポートです。日本の電気バス市場(~2029年):車両別(バッテリー式電気自動車、プラグインハイブリッド電気自動車、燃料電池電気自動車)、市場規模 / Japan Electric Bus Market Overview, 2029 / BONA5JA-0151資料のイメージです。• レポートコード:BONA5JA-0151
• 出版社/出版日:Bonafide Research / 2024年4月
• レポート形態:英文、PDF、62ページ
• 納品方法:Eメール
• 産業分類:自動車&輸送
• 販売価格(消費税別)
  Single User(1名様閲覧用、印刷不可)¥333,000 (USD2,250)▷ お問い合わせ
  Corporate License(閲覧人数無制限、印刷可)¥703,000 (USD4,750)▷ お問い合わせ
• ご注文方法:お問い合わせフォーム記入又はEメールでご連絡ください。
• お支払方法:銀行振込(納品後、ご請求書送付)

Bonafide Researchが発表した調査報告書「Japan Electric Bus Market Overview, 2029」によると、日本の電気バス市場は2024年から2029年の間に11億ドルの増加が見込まれています。日本は世界でも最も進んだ電気自動車充電インフラを擁しています。従来のバス停での充電ソリューションに加え、日本の都市ではワイヤレス充電や超高速充電システムなどの革新的な充電技術が導入されています。こうした技術の進歩とともに、環境維持は日本社会の中心的な価値観であり、電気バスの導入は二酸化炭素排出量の削減と気候変動対策という日本の取り組みに沿ったものです。電気バスへの移行により、日本の都市は大気質の改善、騒音公害の低減、より健康で住みやすい都市環境の促進を目指しています。さらに、官民の利害関係者間の協力が、日本の電気バス市場の成長を促進する上で重要な役割を果たしてきました。交通機関、車両メーカー、エネルギー会社、政府機関が協力し、互いの専門知識やリソースを活用しながら電気バスの開発と導入に取り組んでいます。日本国内の電気バス市場は活況を呈していますが、日本のメーカーは海外市場でも存在感を拡大しています。トヨタの水素燃料電池バスや三菱自動車の電気ミニバスなど、革新的な交通ソリューションを世界中に輸出しています。日本の電気バス技術における専門知識と、品質と信頼性に対する評価は、世界の電気バス市場を形作る上で引き続き重要な役割を果たしています。全体として、日本の電気バス市場は、技術革新、環境保護、協力的なパートナーシップの組み合わせによって特徴づけられます。


日本の電気バス市場は、多様なエンドユーザーによって形成されており、それぞれが市場のダイナミックな成長とイノベーションに貢献しています。市場の需要を牽引する重要なエンドユーザーの1つは、地方自治体や公共交通機関です。東京、大阪、名古屋などの人口密度が高く、都市化が進む大都市では、交通渋滞や大気汚染に対処するための持続可能な交通ソリューションが急務となっています。電気バスは、こうした自治体にとって魅力的な選択肢であり、温室効果ガス排出削減という日本の野心的な環境目標と取り組みに沿ったゼロエミッション交通手段を提供します。さらに、高齢化が進む日本では、ユニバーサルデザインの原則が重視されており、高齢者や障がい者のニーズに合わせた機能を備えた電気バスへの関心が高まり、市場の拡大につながっています。日本の電気バス市場におけるもう一つの重要なエンドユーザー層は、観光業界です。豊かな文化遺産、美しい景観、世界的に有名な観光スポットなど、日本には毎年何百万人もの観光客が訪れます。 電気バスは、国内の都市や史跡、自然の驚異を探索する観光客にとって、持続可能で環境にやさしい交通手段となります。 さらに、日本の企業や民間企業では、従業員の送迎や空港シャトル、その他の特殊な用途に電気バスを採用するケースが増えています。 企業は電気バスの環境面やコスト削減のメリットを認識しており、車両の電動化ソリューションへの需要が高まっています。


• 歴史的な年:2018年
• 基準年:2023年
• 予測年:2024年
• 予測年:2029年

• 電気バス市場の見通しとその価値、予測、およびセグメント
• さまざまな推進要因と課題
• 進行中のトレンドと開発
• トップ企業プロフィール
• 戦略的提言

• バッテリー式電気自動車
• プラグインハイブリッド電気自動車
• 燃料電池電気自動車

• 都市間
• 都市内

• 個人
• 公共





1. エグゼクティブサマリー
2.2. 前提
2.3. 制限
2.4. 略語
2.5. 情報源
2.6. 定義
2.7. 地理
3. 調査方法
3.1. 二次調査
3.2. 一次データ収集
3.4. 報告書の作成、品質チェックおよび納品
4. 日本のマクロ経済指標
5.3.1. XXXX
5.3.2. XXXX
5.3.3. XXXX
5.3.4. XXXX
5.3.5. XXXX
5.4. コビッド19の影響
5.5. サプライチェーン分析
5.6. 政策および規制の枠組み
5.7. 業界専門家の見解
6. 日本の電気バス市場の概要
7. 日本の電気バス市場のセグメント別分類
7.1. 日本の電気バス市場、車両別
7.1.1. 日本の電気バス市場規模、バッテリー式電気自動車別、2018年~2029年
7.1.2. 日本の電気バス市場規模、プラグインハイブリッド電気自動車別、2018年~2029年
7.1.3. 日本の電気バス市場規模、燃料電池電気自動車別、2018年~2029年
7.2. 日本の電気バス市場、用途別
7.2.1. 日本の電気バス市場規模、都市間輸送別、2018年~2029年
7.2.2. 日本の電気バス市場規模、都市内輸送別、2018年~2029年
7.3. 日本の電気バス市場、エンドユーザー別
7.3.1. 日本の電気バス市場規模、個人向け、2018年~2029年
7.3.2. 日本の電気バス市場規模、公共向け、2018年~2029年
8. 日本の電気バス市場機会評価
8.1. 車両別、2024年~2029年
8.2. 用途別、2024年~2029年
8.3. エンドユーザー別、2024年から2029年
9. 競合状況
9.1. ポーターのファイブフォース
9.2. 企業プロフィール
9.2.1. 企業1 企業概要 企業概要 財務ハイライト 地理的洞察 事業セグメントおよび業績 製品ポートフォリオ 経営陣 戦略的動きと展開
9.2.2. 企業2
9.2.3. 企業3
9.2.4. 企業4
9.2.5. 企業 5
9.2.6. 企業 6
9.2.7. 企業 7
9.2.8. 企業 8
10. 戦略的提言
11. 免責条項


図1:日本電気バス市場規模 価値別(2018年、2023年、2029年予測)(単位:百万米ドル)


表9:日本 電気バス市場規模(2018年~2029年)都市内(単位:百万米ドル)
表10:日本 電気バス市場規模(2018年~2029年)民間(単位:百万米ドル)
表11:日本 電気バス市場規模(2018年~2029年)公共(単位:百万米ドル)

Japan's electric bus market presents several fascinating aspects, reflecting the country's unique blend of technological innovation, environmental consciousness, and commitment to sustainable transportation solutions. Japan’s diverse terrain presents both challenges and opportunities for electric bus adoption. In densely populated cities like Tokyo, Yokohama, and Kyoto, where congestion and air pollution are pressing concerns, electric buses offer a sustainable solution to alleviate traffic congestion and reduce carbon emissions. Moreover, Japan's mountainous regions and rural areas benefit from electric buses' quiet operation and zero-emission capabilities, preserving the tranquillity of these scenic locales while promoting eco-friendly transportation options. Japan is renowned for its technological prowess, and its electric bus market is no exception. Japanese manufacturers have developed cutting-edge electric bus technologies, including advanced battery systems, regenerative braking systems, and energy-efficient drivetrains. Companies like Mitsubishi Motors, Hino Motors, and Nissan have been actively involved in the development and production of electric buses tailored to meet the demanding requirements of Japanese cities. Japan boasts one of the most efficient and extensive public transit systems in the world. Electric buses are seamlessly integrated into Japan's public transit networks, complementing existing modes of transportation such as trains and subways. Moreover, the allure of Japan's rich cultural heritage, awe-inspiring natural beauty, and cutting-edge technology attracts millions of tourists from around the globe. Electric buses, with their silent operation and emission-free travel, seamlessly integrate into Japan's tourism infrastructure, offering visitors an environmentally conscious way to explore the country's iconic landmarks, historic sites, and natural wonders. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene temples of Kyoto and the majestic landscapes of Hokkaido, electric buses provide a sustainable and immersive travel experience that enhances the overall visitor experience while minimizing environmental impact.

According to the research report "Japan Electric Bus Market Overview, 2029," published by Bonafide Research, the Japan Electric Bus market is projected to add USD 1.1 Billion from 2024 to 2029. Japan is home to some of the most advanced electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the world. In addition to traditional depot charging solutions, Japanese cities have implemented innovative charging technologies such as wireless charging and ultra-fast charging systems. Along with these advancements environmental sustainability is a core value in Japanese society, and the adoption of electric buses aligns with Japan's commitment to reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change. By transitioning to electric buses, Japanese cities aim to improve air quality, reduce noise pollution, and promote a healthier and more liveable urban environment. Moreover, collaboration between public and private stakeholders has been instrumental in driving the growth of Japan's electric bus market. Transit agencies, vehicle manufacturers, energy companies, and government agencies work together to develop and deploy electric buses, leveraging each other's expertise and resources. While Japan's domestic electric bus market is robust, Japanese manufacturers are also expanding their presence in international markets. Companies like Toyota, with its hydrogen fuel cell buses, and Mitsubishi Motors, with its electric minibuses, are exporting their innovative transportation solutions to countries around the world. Japan's expertise in electric bus technology and its reputation for quality and reliability continue to shape the global e-bus market. Overall, Japan's electric bus market is characterized by a combination of technological innovation, environmental stewardship, and collaborative partnerships.

On the basis of application, Japan's electric bus market showcases a fascinating blend of innovation, efficiency, and environmental consciousness, one prominent application driving market growth is urban transportation. In bustling cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, where population density and traffic congestion are significant challenges, electric buses offer a sustainable solution to alleviate congestion and reduce emissions. With their silent operation and zero-emission propulsion, electric buses contribute to cleaner air and quieter streets, enhancing the quality of urban life for residents. Moreover, Japan's reputation for technological prowess is reflected in the electric bus sector, with leading manufacturers like Nissan, Mitsubishi, and Toyota pioneering advanced electric vehicle technologies tailored to the country's unique transportation needs. Another significant application of electric buses in Japan is in tourism. As a nation renowned for its rich cultural heritage, scenic landscapes, and technological marvels, Japan attracts millions of tourists each year to destinations such as Kyoto's historic temples, Hokkaido's picturesque landscapes, and Tokyo's vibrant metropolis. Electric buses serve as eco-friendly transportation options for tourists, offering comfortable and sustainable travel experiences that align with Japan's commitment to environmental stewardship.

Japan's electric bus market is shaped by a diverse array of end-users, each contributing to its dynamic growth and innovation. One significant end-user group driving market demand is municipal governments and public transit agencies. In major cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya, where population density and urbanization are high, there's a pressing need for sustainable transportation solutions to combat traffic congestion and air pollution. Electric buses offer an attractive option for these municipalities, providing zero-emission transit that aligns with Japan's ambitious environmental goals and commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, Japan's aging population and emphasis on universal design principles have led to increased interest in electric buses equipped with features tailored to the needs of elderly and disabled passengers, further expanding the market's reach. Another key end-user segment in Japan's electric bus market is the tourism industry. With its rich cultural heritage, scenic landscapes, and world-renowned attractions, Japan attracts millions of tourists each year. Electric buses offer a sustainable and eco-friendly transportation option for tourists exploring cities, historic sites, and natural wonders across the country. Furthermore, corporate and private enterprises in Japan are increasingly adopting electric buses for employee transportation, airport shuttles, and other specialized applications. Companies are recognizing the environmental and cost-saving benefits of electric buses, driving demand for fleet electrification solutions.

On the basis of Vehicle type, Japan's electric bus market exhibits a rich diversity reflecting the country's commitment to innovation and sustainability across various transportation sectors. One prominent vehicle type driving market growth is the standard electric bus. These buses typically feature a fully electric drivetrain powered by batteries, providing zero-emission transportation solutions for urban and suburban environments. With a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality, standard electric buses are increasingly favoured by municipal governments and public transit agencies in major cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya. Another significant vehicle type in Japan's electric bus market is the high-capacity electric bus. Designed to accommodate larger passenger volumes, these buses are ideal for densely populated urban areas and busy transit routes. These buses play a crucial role in alleviating congestion and reducing carbon emissions in Japan's bustling metropolitan areas, where public transportation demand is high. Furthermore, Japan's commitment to universal design principles has led to the development of electric buses equipped with features tailored to the needs of elderly and disabled passengers. These accessibility-focused buses incorporate features such as low-floor designs, wheelchair ramps, and priority seating areas to ensure inclusivity and ease of use for all passengers. Overall, Japan's electric bus market encompasses a wide range of vehicle types, each serving specific transportation needs and contributing to the country's sustainable mobility objectives.

Considered in this report
• Historic year: 2018
• Base year: 2023
• Estimated year: 2024
• Forecast year: 2029

Aspects covered in this report
• Electric Bus market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Vehicle
• Battery Electric Vehicle
• Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
• Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle

By Application
• Intercity
• Intra-city

By End-Use
• Private
• Public

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Electric Bus industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.
