▶ 調査レポート


• 英文タイトル:Japan School Bags Market Overview, 2029

Bonafide Researchが調査・発行した産業分析レポートです。日本の通学かばん市場(~2029年):種類別(リュックサック、メッセンジャーバッグ、ノートパソコン用バッグ、その他)、市場規模 / Japan School Bags Market Overview, 2029 / BONA5JA-0220資料のイメージです。• レポートコード:BONA5JA-0220
• 出版社/出版日:Bonafide Research / 2024年9月
• レポート形態:英文、PDF、70ページ
• 納品方法:Eメール
• 産業分類:消費財&サービス
• 販売価格(消費税別)
  Single User(1名様閲覧用、印刷不可)¥401,500 (USD2,750)▷ お問い合わせ
  Corporate License(閲覧人数無制限、印刷可)¥766,500 (USD5,250)▷ お問い合わせ
• ご注文方法:お問い合わせフォーム記入又はEメールでご連絡ください。
• お支払方法:銀行振込(納品後、ご請求書送付)

Bonafide Researchが発行した調査レポート「2029年の日本通学かばん市場の見通し」によると、2024年から2029年にかけて、日本の通学かばん市場は2億5000万米ドル以上に拡大すると予測されています。現在、日本の通学かばん市場では、カスタマイズと持続可能性に対する需要の高まりを背景に、顕著な傾向が見られます。保護者や学生は、実用性だけでなく、個人のスタイルや環境への配慮を反映した通学かばんを求める傾向が強まっています。この変化により、メーカーはカスタマイズ可能なオプションを提供し、学生が色や柄、さらには自分だけの記章を通学かばんに選べるようにしています。さらに、環境問題への意識の高まりにより、ブランドは環境にやさしい素材を製品に取り入れ、良心的な日本の消費者の関心を集めています。また、日本の政府政策も市場形成に影響を与えています。通学かばんの安全性と人間工学を推進する取り組みにより、子供の健康を支える通学かばんを選ぶことの重要性について、保護者の意識が高まっています。こうした政策により、メーカーは幼児の負担を最小限に抑えるデザインを優先するようになり、その結果、軽量素材や人間工学に基づく機能に重点を置いたイノベーションが生まれています。技術面では、通学かばん市場では、通学かばんの追跡やセキュリティ強化のためのRFIDタグの統合など、スマートな要素を取り入れ始めています。まだ広くは採用されていませんが、こうしたイノベーションは、伝統的な製品にテクノロジーを統合する傾向を示しており、テクノロジーに精通した日本の消費者のニーズに合致しています。市場のプレイヤーとしては、品質、耐久性、ユニークなデザインに重点を置いて、日本市場で確固たる地位を築いている企業がいくつかあります。伝統と現代的な美しさをうまく融合させたブランドは、学生と保護者の多様なニーズに応えることで、成長していくでしょう。日本市場の通学かばんは、消費者の好み、技術の進歩、品質と持続可能性へのこだわりに影響を受けながら、ダイナミックに変化しています。



日本市場における通学かばんの流通は、主にオフラインとオンラインの2つのチャネルで行われています。オフラインチャネルは依然として消費者にとって重要な手段であり、伝統的な小売店、百貨店、通学かばん専門店では、実際に手に取りながら買い物を楽しむことができます。店頭での買い物では、親や学生が通学かばんの品質、フィット感、機能性を直接確認することができます。小売業者は、新学期シーズンにはよく特別イベントを開催し、プロモーションや幅広い品揃えをアピールして購買意欲を刺激します。こうした対面式のやりとりは信頼関係を育み、親が子供たちのために通学かばんを選ぶ際に、十分な情報を得た上で選択できるようになります。 近年、特にテクノロジーに精通した若い世代や利便性を求める忙しい親の間で、オンラインチャネルが急速に普及しています。 オンラインのEコマースプラットフォームでは、幅広い種類の通学かばんが、競争力のある価格で提供されていることが多く、消費者は自宅にいながらにして、スタイル、素材、価格を簡単に比較することができます。日本の通学かばん市場では、学用品に特化したオンライン小売業者が台頭し、ショッピング体験がさらに向上しています。さらに、オンラインチャネルにより、ブランドは個々の顧客の好みに合わせた商品を展示するなど、パーソナライズされたマーケティング戦略を実施することが可能になります。ソーシャルメディアマーケティングやインフルエンサーとの提携は、若い世代にリーチするための必須のツールとなっており、オンラインチャネルは日本の通学かばん市場の成長に欠かせない要素となっています。両方の流通チャネルは互いを補完し合い、この多様な市場における消費者ニーズに応えるバランスの取れたアプローチを生み出しています。

• 歴史的な年:2018年
• 基準年:2023年
• 推定年:2024年
• 予測年:2029年

• 通学かばん市場の見通しとその価値、予測、およびセグメント
• さまざまな推進要因と課題
• 進行中のトレンドと開発
• トップ企業プロフィール
• 戦略的提言

• リュックサック
• メッセンジャーバッグ
• ノートパソコン用バッグ
• その他

• ポリエステル
• キャンバス
• ナイロン
• レザー
• その他

• オフライン
• オンライン





1. エグゼクティブサマリー
2.2. 前提
2.3. 制限
2.4. 略語
2.5. 情報源
2.6. 定義
2.7. 地理
3. 調査方法
3.1. 二次調査
3.2. 一次データ収集
3.4. 報告書の作成、品質チェックおよび納品
4. 日本のマクロ経済指標
5.3.1. XXXX
5.3.2. XXXX
5.3.3. XXXX
5.3.4. XXXX
5.3.5. XXXX
5.4. コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の影響
5.5. サプライチェーン分析
5.6. 政策および規制の枠組み
5.7. 業界専門家による見解
6. 日本の通学かばん市場の概要
7. 日本の通学かばん市場のセグメント
7.1. 日本の通学かばん市場、種類別
7.1.1. 日本の通学かばん市場規模、バックパック別、2018年~2029年
7.1.2. 日本の通学かばん市場規模、メッセンジャーバッグ別、2018年~2029年
7.1.3. 日本の通学鞄市場規模、ラップトップバッグ別、2018年~2029年
7.1.4. 日本の通学鞄市場規模、その他別、2018年~2029年
7.2. 日本の通学鞄市場、素材別
7.2.1. 日本の通学鞄市場規模、ポリエステル別、2018年~2029年
7.2.2. 日本の通学かばん市場規模、キャンバス別、2018年~2029年
7.2.3. 日本の通学かばん市場規模、ナイロン別、2018年~2029年
7.2.4. 日本の通学かばん市場規模、皮革別、2018年~2029年
7.2.5. 日本の通学かばん市場規模、その他別、2018年~2029年
7.3. 日本の通学かばん市場、流通チャネル別
7.3.1. 日本の通学かばん市場規模、オフライン別、2018年~2029年
7.3.2. 日本の通学かばん市場規模、オンライン別、2018年~2029年
7.4. 日本の通学かばん市場、地域別
7.4.1. 日本の通学かばん市場規模、北部、2018年~2029年
7.4.2. 日本の通学かばん市場規模、東部、2018年~2029年
7.4.3. 日本の通学かばん市場規模、西部、2018年~2029年
7.4.4. 日本の通学かばん市場規模、南地域別、2018年~2029年
8. 日本の通学かばん市場機会評価
8.1. 種類別、2024年~2029年
8.2. 生地別、2024年~2029年
8.3. 流通チャネル別、2024年~2029年
8.4. 地域別、2024年から2029年
9. 競合状況
9.1. ポーターのファイブフォース
9.2. 企業プロフィール
9.2.1. 企業1 企業概要 企業概要 財務ハイライト 地域別動向 事業セグメントおよび業績 製品ポートフォリオ 主要経営陣 戦略的動きおよび展開
9.2.2. 企業 2
9.2.3. 企業 3
9.2.4. 企業 4
9.2.5. 企業 5
9.2.6. 企業 6
9.2.7. 企業 7
9.2.8. 企業 8
10. 戦略的提言
11. 免責条項


図1: 日本の通学かばん市場規模推移(2018年、2023年、2029年予測)(単位:百万米ドル)
図2: タイプ別市場魅力度指数



The Japan school bags market is characterized by a rich blend of tradition and modernity, reflecting the country’s unique cultural values and evolving educational landscape. School bags are not merely functional items; they are often seen as an extension of a child’s identity. From the colorful designs that appeal to younger students to the more sophisticated styles favored by older pupils, these bags play a significant role in daily school life. Japanese parents often prioritize quality and durability, seeking bags that can withstand the rigors of daily use while providing adequate support for children’s posture. A distinctive feature of the Japan school bags market is the prominence of randoseru, a traditional, rigid backpack typically used by elementary school students. Made from leather or synthetic materials, randoseru are designed to last through several years of schooling, making them a worthwhile investment for families. As students progress to junior high and high school, their preferences shift towards more versatile and fashion-forward bags, such as messenger bags and laptop bags, which cater to their increasing needs for functionality and style. The combination of cultural significance and practical considerations shapes the dynamics of the Japan school bags market, creating a diverse array of products designed to meet the demands of students and parents alike. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, the market is poised to adapt to changing consumer preferences, making it an intriguing sector within the broader retail landscape of Japan.

According to the research report, " Japan School Bags Market Outlook, 2029," published by Bonafide Research, the Japan School Bags market is anticipated to add to more than USD 250 Million by 2024–29. The Japan school bags market is currently witnessing notable trends driven by the increasing demand for customization and sustainability. Parents and students are increasingly looking for bags that not only serve practical purposes but also reflect personal style and environmental consciousness. This shift is leading manufacturers to offer customizable options, allowing students to select colors, patterns, and even personal insignia on their bags. Furthermore, the growing awareness of environmental issues has prompted brands to incorporate eco-friendly materials into their products, appealing to conscientious consumers in Japan. Government policies in Japan have also played a role in shaping the market. Initiatives promoting backpack safety and ergonomics have led to increased awareness among parents about the importance of choosing bags that support children’s health. These policies are encouraging manufacturers to prioritize designs that minimize strain on young users, resulting in innovations focused on lightweight materials and ergonomic features. Technologically, the Japan school bags market is beginning to incorporate smart elements, such as integrated RFID tags for tracking bags and enhanced security features. While not widely adopted yet, these innovations indicate a trend towards integrating technology into traditional products, resonating with the tech-savvy nature of Japanese consumers. In terms of market players, several companies have established a strong presence in the Japan school bags market, focusing on quality, durability, and unique designs. Brands that successfully blend tradition with modern aesthetics are likely to thrive as they cater to the diverse needs of students and parents alike. Japan school bags market is evolving dynamically, influenced by consumer preferences, technological advancements, and a commitment to quality and sustainability.

The Japan school bags market is categorized primarily into three types: backpacks, messenger bags, and laptop bags. Backpacks are the most popular choice among younger students, particularly elementary school children. These bags, especially the traditional randoseru, are known for their durability and structured design, ensuring comfort and safety for developing bodies. They typically feature padded straps and a robust frame, allowing students to carry books and supplies efficiently. The strong cultural significance of randoseru in Japan further drives their demand, as they are often passed down from generation to generation. Messenger bags, on the other hand, appeal to middle and high school students. These bags offer a more contemporary aesthetic and versatility, allowing for easy access to materials. The Japan school bags market has seen an increasing variety of messenger bags with fashionable designs, catering to teens' preferences for self-expression. They are suitable for carrying not only school essentials but also personal items, making them a favored choice among students. Laptop bags are gaining traction in the Japan school bags market as technology becomes integral to education. High school and university students often require sturdy and stylish laptop bags to accommodate their devices while ensuring safety and comfort. The integration of padded compartments and additional storage for accessories in laptop bags aligns well with the tech-savvy lifestyle of Japanese students, enhancing their appeal in this dynamic market.

In the Japan school bags market, the choice of fabric significantly impacts product quality, aesthetics, and functionality. The primary materials used include polyesters, canvas, nylon, and leather. Polyesters are widely favored due to their durability, water resistance, and affordability. This synthetic fabric can withstand daily wear and tear, making it an ideal choice for students who need bags that endure various environments. Canvas bags are also popular in Japan, especially among those looking for a more eco-friendly and breathable option. Often associated with a casual and trendy aesthetic, canvas bags come in various colors and patterns, allowing students to express their individuality. They are lightweight and easy to clean, appealing to parents and students alike in the Japan school bags market. Nylon, known for its strength and resistance to abrasion, is another common fabric choice, particularly for bags designed for outdoor use or heavier loads. Its lightweight nature and water resistance make it suitable for students who engage in sports or outdoor activities. Finally, leather bags, while more expensive, are highly regarded for their elegance and longevity. They convey a sense of sophistication and are often chosen for special occasions or for students transitioning to higher education. Each fabric type contributes uniquely to the diverse offerings in the Japan school bags market, catering to various preferences and needs.

The distribution of school bags in the Japan market occurs primarily through two channels: offline and online. The offline channel remains a significant avenue for consumers, where traditional retail stores, department stores, and specialty bag shops provide a tactile shopping experience. In-store shopping allows parents and students to inspect the quality, fit, and functionality of bags firsthand. Retailers often host special events during back-to-school seasons, featuring promotions and a wide selection of products to attract buyers. This face-to-face interaction fosters trust and helps parents make informed choices when selecting bags for their children. The online channel has gained considerable traction in recent years, particularly among tech-savvy younger generations and busy parents seeking convenience. E-commerce platforms offer an extensive variety of school bags, often at competitive prices, making it easier for consumers to compare styles, materials, and prices from the comfort of their homes. The Japan school bags market has seen the rise of specialized online retailers that cater specifically to school supplies, further enhancing the shopping experience. Moreover, the online channel allows brands to implement personalized marketing strategies, showcasing products tailored to individual customer preferences. Social media marketing and influencer partnerships have become essential tools for reaching younger audiences, making the online channel a vital component of the Japan school bags market's growth. Both distribution channels complement each other, creating a balanced approach to meeting consumer needs in this diverse market.

Considered in this report
• Historic year: 2018
• Base year: 2023
• Estimated year: 2024
• Forecast year: 2029

Aspects covered in this report
• School Bags market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Types
• Backpack
• Messenger Bag
• Laptop bags
• Others

By Fabric
• Polyesters
• Canvas
• Nylon
• Leather
• Others

By Distribution Channel
• Offline
• Online

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the School Bags industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.
