▶ 調査レポート


• 英文タイトル:Japan Steel Processing Market Overview, 2029

Bonafide Researchが調査・発行した産業分析レポートです。日本の鉄鋼加工市場(~2029年):種類別(合金鋼、炭素鋼)、市場規模 / Japan Steel Processing Market Overview, 2029 / BONA5JA-0308資料のイメージです。• レポートコード:BONA5JA-0308
• 出版社/出版日:Bonafide Research / 2024年3月
• レポート形態:英文、PDF、63ページ
• 納品方法:Eメール
• 産業分類:製造&産業
• 販売価格(消費税別)
  Single User(1名様閲覧用、印刷不可)¥328,500 (USD2,250)▷ お問い合わせ
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日本と鉄鋼の関係は長く、興味深いものです。日本の鉄鋼加工は、古代の刀鍛冶の技術にまで遡る長い歴史を誇ります。 初期のこうした手法が、今日まで続く日本の鉄鋼の緻密な職人技の基礎を築きました。 19世紀後半の明治維新後、日本は急速な工業化時代に突入しました。 この時代には、政府主導の取り組みとインフラ開発の必要性に後押しされ、鉄鋼の生産と加工が急増しました。日本の鉄鋼メーカーは、高品質な鉄鋼を生産することで急速にその名を知られるようになり、その特徴は今日まで受け継がれています。日本の鉄鋼加工は、正確さ、効率性、革新性を重視する日本の文化と深く結びついています。「ものづくり」という概念は、日本語では「職人技」または「もの作り」と訳され、日本の製造業の礎となっています。この哲学は、細部にまで細心の注意を払うことと、絶え間ない改善を追求することを優先します。この文化的な強調は、高度な技術に重点を置き、優れた特性を持つ鋼材の生産に専心することで、鉄鋼加工業界に表れています。日本の鉄鋼加工業界における最近の傾向は、持続可能性への注目が高まっていることです。環境への懸念が世界的に高まる中、日本の鉄鋼メーカーは二酸化炭素排出量を削減する方法を積極的に模索しています。これには、リサイクルされたスクラップ鋼に依存する電気アーク炉の利用や、水素還元などの代替生産プロセスの模索などが含まれます。さらに、「軽量化」という概念も注目を集めています。鋼材をより薄く、より強く設計することで、材料の使用量を減らし、最終的に製品を軽量化するというものです。
Actual Market Researchが発行した調査レポート「日本鉄鋼加工市場調査レポート、2029年」によると、日本の鉄鋼加工市場は2024年から2029年の間に90億米ドル以上増加すると予想されています。日本の鉄鋼加工市場の成長を促す要因はいくつかあります。そのうちの重要な要因のひとつは、さまざまな産業における高性能鋼材の継続的な需要です。日本の自動車および建設業界は、車両やインフラプロジェクトに高強度で軽量な鋼材を多く使用しています。さらに、電子機器や機械類の需要の高まりにより、独自の特性を持つ特殊鋼の市場が着実に形成されています。もうひとつの要因は、インフラ開発と改修への注目が高まっていることです。日本の老朽化したインフラは、継続的なメンテナンスとアップグレードを必要としています。これは、橋梁やビル、その他の重要な構造物に不可欠な素材を提供する鉄鋼加工会社にとって大きなビジネスチャンスとなります。さらに、政府が推進するスマートシティ構想により、持続可能で技術的に統合された都市環境で使用される先進的な鉄鋼製品の需要が生まれると予想されています。



• 対象年:2018年
• 基準年:2023年
• 予測年:2024年
• 予測年:2029年

• 鉄鋼加工市場の見通しとその価値、予測、およびセグメント
• さまざまな推進要因と課題
• 進行中のトレンドと開発
• トップ企業プロフィール
• 戦略的提言

• 合金鋼
• 炭素鋼

• フラットスチール
• ロングスチール
• チューブラー鋼

• 建設
• 輸送
• エネルギー
• パッケージング
• 消費者向け電化製品業界
• 住宅
• 自動車
• その他



• 歴史年:2018年
• 基準年:2023年
• 予測年:2024年
• 予測年:2029年

• 鉄鋼加工市場の見通しとその価値、予測、およびセグメント
• さまざまな推進要因と課題
• 進行中のトレンドと開発
• トップ企業プロフィール
• 戦略的提言

• 合金鋼
• 炭素鋼

• フラットスチール
• ロングスチール
• チューブラー鋼

• 建設
• 輸送
• エネルギー
• パッケージング
• 消費者向け電化製品業界
• 住宅
• 自動車
• その他





1. エグゼクティブサマリー
2.2. 前提
2.3. 制限
2.4. 略語
2.5. 情報源
2.6. 定義
2.7. 地理
3. 調査方法
3.1. 二次調査
3.2. 一次データ収集
3.4. 報告書の作成、品質チェックおよび納品
4. 日本のマクロ経済指標
5.1. 主な調査結果
5.2. 主な動向 – 2021年
5.6. コビッド19の影響
5.7. サプライチェーン分析
5.8. 政策と規制の枠組み
5.9. 業界専門家による見解
6. 日本の鉄鋼加工市場の概要
7. 日本の鉄鋼加工市場の区分
7.1. 日本の鉄鋼加工市場(種類別
7.1.1. 合金鋼による日本鉄鋼加工市場規模、2018年~2029年
7.1.2. 炭素鋼による日本鉄鋼加工市場規模、2018年~2029年
7.2. 形状による日本鉄鋼加工市場
7.2.1. 薄板鋼による日本鉄鋼加工市場規模、2018年~2029年
7.2.2. 日本の鉄鋼加工市場規模、長尺鋼材別、2018年~2029年
7.2.3. 日本の鉄鋼加工市場規模、鋼管別、2018年~2029年
7.3. 日本の鉄鋼加工市場、エンドユーザー別
7.3.1. 日本の鉄鋼加工市場規模、建設別、2018年~2029年
7.3.2. 日本における鉄鋼加工市場規模、輸送別、2018年~2029年
7.3.3. 日本における鉄鋼加工市場規模、エネルギー別、2018年~2029年
7.3.4. 日本における鉄鋼加工市場規模、包装別、2018年~2029年
7.3.5. 日本における鉄鋼加工市場規模、家電産業別、2018年~2029年
7.3.6. 日本の鉄鋼加工市場規模、住宅別、2018年~2029年
7.3.7. 日本の鉄鋼加工市場規模、自動車別、2018年~2029年
7.3.8. 日本の鉄鋼加工市場規模、その他別、2018年~2029年
8. 日本の鉄鋼加工市場機会評価
8.1. 種類別、2024年から2029年
8.2. 形状別、2024年から2029年
8.3. エンドユーザー別、2024年から2029年
9. 競合状況
9.1. ポーターのファイブフォース
9.2. 企業プロフィール
9.2.1. 企業1 企業概要 企業概要 財務ハイライト 地理的洞察 事業セグメントおよび業績 製品ポートフォリオ 経営陣 戦略的動きおよび開発
9.2.2. 企業 2
9.2.3. 企業 3
9.2.4. 企業 4
9.2.5. 企業 5
9.2.6. 企業 6
9.2.7. 企業 7
9.2.8. 企業 8
10. 戦略的提言
11. 免責条項




表1: 2023年の日本鉄鋼加工市場に影響を与える要因
表2: 日本鉄鋼加工市場規模および予測(種類別)(2018年、2023年、2029年予測
表3: 日本鉄鋼加工市場規模および予測(形状別)(2018年、2023年、2029年予測

Japan's relationship with steel is a long and storied one. Steel processing in Japan boasts a rich history dating back to ancient sword smithing techniques. These early methods laid the groundwork for the meticulous craftsmanship that continues to define Japanese steel today. Following the Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century, Japan embarked on a rapid industrialization period. This era saw a surge in steel production and processing, fueled by government initiatives and the need for infrastructure development. Japanese steelmakers quickly gained a reputation for producing high-quality steel, a characteristic that has endured to this day. Steel processing in Japan is deeply intertwined with the country's cultural emphasis on precision, efficiency, and innovation. The concept of "monozukuri," which translates to "craftsmanship" or "thing-making," is a cornerstone of Japanese manufacturing. This philosophy prioritizes meticulous attention to detail and a relentless pursuit of continuous improvement. This cultural emphasis manifests in the steel processing sector through a focus on advanced technologies and a commitment to producing steel with exceptional properties. A recent trend in the Japanese steel processing industry is the growing focus on sustainability. As environmental concerns gain traction globally, Japanese steelmakers are actively seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint. This includes utilizing electric arc furnaces that rely on recycled scrap steel, as well as exploring alternative production processes like hydrogen reduction. Additionally, the concept of "lightweighting" is gaining traction, where steel is engineered to be thinner and stronger, resulting in products that require less material and are ultimately lighter.

According to the research report "Japan Steel Processing Market Research Report, 2029," published by Actual Market Research, the Japanese Steel Processing market is expected add over USD 9 Billion from 2024 to 2029. Several key factors are driving growth in the Japanese steel processing market. One significant driver is the ongoing demand for high-performance steel in various industries. Japan's robust automotive and construction sectors heavily rely on high-strength, lightweight steel for vehicles and infrastructure projects. Furthermore, the growing demand for electronics and machinery creates a steady market for specialty steels with unique properties. Another driver is the increasing focus on infrastructure development and renovation. Japan's aging infrastructure necessitates ongoing maintenance and upgrades. This presents a significant opportunity for steel processing companies to provide essential materials for bridges, buildings, and other crucial structures. Additionally, the government's push for smart city initiatives is expected to create demand for advanced steel products used in sustainable and technologically integrated urban environments.

Despite the positive Research Report, the Japanese steel processing market also faces several challenges. A major concern is the intense competition from overseas steel producers, particularly from China and South Korea. These countries often offer steel at lower prices due to lower labor costs and government subsidies. Japanese steelmakers must continuously innovate and differentiate their products through superior quality, advanced features, and a focus on sustainability to remain competitive. Another challenge is the fluctuating price of raw materials. Steel production relies heavily on imported iron ore and coking coal. Price volatility in these commodities can significantly impact the profitability of Japanese steel processors. Furthermore, the ongoing trade tensions between Japan and some major steel-producing countries can disrupt supply chains and lead to price fluctuations. Firstly, by type, alloy steel stands out for its pivotal role in sectors requiring high strength, corrosion resistance, and specific mechanical properties, notably in shipbuilding for ensuring vessel integrity and construction for bridges and skyscrapers due to its superior weight-to-strength ratio. Meanwhile, carbon steel maintains its dominance, prized for affordability and formability, finding extensive use in construction for rebar and roofing sheets, automotive for body panels, and consumer appliances like washing machines and refrigerators, although its market share might gradually shift with increasing demand for lighter and stronger materials.

Secondly, considering shape, flat steel, including sheets, plates, and coils, prevails in the market, driven by automotive and construction industries, utilized in car frames, body panels, and building cladding, spurred further by the trend towards lightweight vehicles. Long steel, comprising bars, rods, and beams, plays a crucial role in construction, particularly in reinforced concrete applications like rebar, and in the shipbuilding industry for masts and structural components. Tubular steel products, including pipes and tubes, find application across construction, energy, and manufacturing sectors, with Japan's aging infrastructure expected to drive demand, especially in maintenance and repair projects. Thirdly, by end-user, the construction industry emerges as the largest consumer of steel, utilized extensively in residential and high-rise structures, further divided based on specific applications like rebar for concrete reinforcement and structural steel for beams and columns. The automotive sector, renowned for its focus on high-strength, lightweight steels for fuel efficiency and emission reduction, remains a significant consumer. Additionally, various other industries contribute significantly, such as shipping for steel plates in shipbuilding, energy for steel pipes in oil and gas transportation, packaging for steel cans and containers, consumer appliances, and housing for roofing and framing elements. The future of steel processing in Japan appears to be one of continued innovation and adaptation. Sustainability will undoubtedly remain a central theme, with a focus on reducing the environmental impact of steel production and processing. Additionally, technological advancements like automation and digitalization are expected to play a crucial role in increasing efficiency and productivity. By embracing these trends and remaining focused on high-quality, specialty steel products, Japan's steel processing industry is poised to maintain its global leadership position.

Considered in this report
• Historic year: 2018
• Base year: 2023
• Estimated year: 2024
• Forecast year: 2029

Aspects covered in this report
• Steel Processing market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Type
• Alloy steel
• Carbon steel

By Shape
• Flat steel
• Long steel
• Tubular steel

By End User
• Construction
• Shipping
• Energy
• Packaging
• Consumer appliances industry
• Housing
• Automotive
• Others

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Steel Processing industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.

Considered in this report
• Historic year: 2018
• Base year: 2023
• Estimated year: 2024
• Forecast year: 2029

Aspects covered in this report
• Steel Processing market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Type
• Alloy steel
• Carbon steel

By Shape
• Flat steel
• Long steel
• Tubular steel

By End User
• Construction
• Shipping
• Energy
• Packaging
• Consumer appliances industry
• Housing
• Automotive
• Others

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Steel Processing industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.
