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ファンシーヤーン市場 - レポートの範囲TMRの調査レポート「世界のファンシーヤーン市場」は、2023年から2031年までの予測期間における市場の指標に関する貴重な洞察を得るために、過去だけでなく現在の成長動向と機会を調査しています。2023年を基準年、2031年を予測年として、2017年から2031年までの世界のファンシーヤーン市場の収益を提供しています。また、2023年から2031年までの世界のファンシーヤーン市場の複合年間成長率(CAGR %)も掲載しています。 本レポートは広範な調査を経て作成されました。主要オピニオンリーダー、業界リーダー、オピニオンメーカーへのインタビューを実施しました。二次調査では、ファンシーヤーン市場を理解するために、主要企業の製品資料、年次報告書、プレスリリース、関連文書を参照しました。 二次調査には、インターネットソース、政府機関の統計データ、ウェブサイト、業界団体も含まれます。アナリストは、世界のファンシーヤーン市場の様々な属性を調査するために、トップダウンアプローチとボトムアップアプローチの組み合わせを採用しました。 本レポートには、調査範囲に含まれる様々なセグメントの成長動向のスナップショットとともに、詳細なエグゼクティブサマリーが含まれています。さらに、世界のファンシーヤーン市場における競争ダイナミクスの変化にも光を当てています。これらは、既存の市場プレーヤーだけでなく、世界のファンシーヤーン市場への参入に関心のある企業にとっても貴重なツールとなります。 当レポートでは、世界のファンシーヤーン市場の競争状況について掘り下げています。世界のファンシーヤーン市場で事業を展開する主要企業が特定され、各企業が様々な属性でプロファイリングされています。会社概要、財務状況、最近の動向、SWOTは、本レポートで紹介されている世界のファンシーヤーン市場のプレイヤーの属性です。 世界のファンシーヤーン市場レポートで回答された主な質問 - 予測期間中の全地域におけるファンシーヤーンの売上高/収益は? - 世界のファンシーヤーン市場におけるビジネスチャンスは? - 市場における主な促進要因、阻害要因、機会、脅威は? - 予測期間中に最も速いCAGRで拡大する地域市場は? - 2031年に世界で最も高い収益を上げると予測されるセグメントは? - 予測期間中に最も高いCAGRで拡大すると予測されるセグメントは? - 世界市場で事業を展開する各企業の市場ポジションは? ファンシーヤーン市場 - 調査目的と調査手法 世界のファンシーヤーン市場に関する包括的なレポートは、概要から始まり、調査範囲と目的が続きます。本レポートでは、本調査の目的、市場で事業展開している主要ベンダーや流通業者、製品認可のための規制シナリオについて詳しく解説しています。 本レポートは、読みやすさを考慮し、各セクションを章ごとに分割したレイアウトになっています。本レポートは、グラフと表を適切に配置した網羅的なコレクションで構成されています。主要セグメントの実績値と予測値を図式化することで、読者に視覚的に訴えかけます。また、過去と予測期間末の主要セグメントの市場シェアの比較も可能です。 当レポートでは、世界のファンシーヤーン市場を製品、エンドユーザー、地域の観点から分析しています。各基準の主要セグメントを詳細に調査し、2031年末の各セグメントにおける市場シェアを掲載しています。このような貴重な洞察により、市場関係者は世界のファンシーヤーン市場への投資について、情報に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を行うことができます。 |
1. 序論
2. 仮定
3. 調査方法
4. エグゼクティブサマリー
5. 市場概要
6. ファンシーヤーンの世界市場分析&予測:製品タイプ別
7. ファンシーヤーンの世界市場分析&予測:素材別
8. ファンシーヤーンの世界市場分析&予測:価格別
9. ファンシーヤーンの世界市場の分析&予測:最終用途別
10. ファンシーヤーンの世界市場の分析&予測:流通チャネル別
11. ファンシーヤーンの世界市場分析&予測:地域別
12. 北米のファンシーヤーン市場の分析&予測
13. ヨーロッパのファンシーヤーン市場の分析&予測
14. アジア太平洋地域のファンシーヤーン市場の分析&予測
15. 中東・アフリカのファンシーヤーン市場の分析&予測
16. 南米のファンシーヤーン市場の分析&予測
17. 競争状況
18. 市場参入戦略
1. Preface
1.1. Market Definition and Scope
1.2. Market Segmentation
1.3. Key Research Objectives
1.4. Research Highlights
2. Assumptions
3. Research Methodology
4. Executive Summary
5. Market Overview
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Market Dynamics
5.2.1. Drivers
5.2.2. Restraints
5.2.3. Opportunities
5.3. Key Trends Analysis
5.3.1. Demand Side Analysis
5.3.2. Supply Side Analysis
5.4. Raw Material Analysis
5.5. Key Market Indicators
5.6. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
5.7. Industry SWOT Analysis
5.8. Value Chain Analysis
5.9. Global Fancy Yarn Market Analysis and Forecast, 2017 – 2031
5.9.1. Market Value Projections (US$ Bn)
5.9.2. Market Volume Projections (Million Units)
6. Global Fancy Yarn Market Analysis and Forecast, By Product Type
6.1. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Product Type, 2017 – 2031
6.1.1. Slub Yarn
6.1.2. Knob Yarn
6.1.3. Spiral Yarn
6.1.4. Gimp Yarn
6.1.5. Loop Yarn
6.1.6. Snarl Yarn
6.1.7. Others
6.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Product Type
7. Global Fancy Yarn Market Analysis and Forecast, By Material
7.1. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Material, 2017 – 2031
7.1.1. Cotton
7.1.2. Wool
7.1.3. Silk
7.1.4. Polyester
7.1.5. Rayon
7.1.6. Others
7.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Material
8. Market Analysis and Forecast, By Price
8.1. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 – 2031
8.1.1. Low
8.1.2. Medium
8.1.3. High
8.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Price
9. Global Fancy Yarn Market Analysis and Forecast, By End-use
9.1. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By End-use, 2017 – 2031
9.1.1. Textile
9.1.2. Home Furnishing
9.1.3. Others
9.2. Incremental Opportunity, By End-use
10. Global Fancy Yarn Market Analysis and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
10.1. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 – 2031
10.1.1. Online
10.1.2. Offline
10.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Distribution Channel
11. Global Fancy Yarn Market Analysis and Forecast, By Region
11.1. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Region, 2017 – 2031
11.1.1. North America
11.1.2. Europe
11.1.3. Asia Pacific
11.1.4. Middle East & Africa
11.1.5. South America
11.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Region
12. North America Fancy Yarn Market Analysis and Forecast
12.1. Regional Snapshot
12.2. Material Trend Analysis
12.2.1. Weighted Average Material
12.3. Key Trends Analysis
12.3.1. Demand Side Analysis
12.3.2. Supply Side Analysis
12.4. Brand Analysis
12.5. Consumer Buying Behavior Analysis
12.6. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Product Type, 2017 – 2031
12.6.1. Slub Yarn
12.6.2. Knob Yarn
12.6.3. Spiral Yarn
12.6.4. Gimp Yarn
12.6.5. Loop Yarn
12.6.6. Snarl Yarn
12.6.7. Others
12.7. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Material, 2017 – 2031
12.7.1. Cotton
12.7.2. Wool
12.7.3. Silk
12.7.4. Polyester
12.7.5. Rayon
12.7.6. Others
12.8. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 – 2031
12.8.1. Low
12.8.2. Medium
12.8.3. High
12.9. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By End-use, 2017 – 2031
12.9.1. Textile
12.9.2. Home Furnishing
12.9.3. Others
12.10. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 – 2031
12.10.1. Online
12.10.2. Offline
12.11. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, by Country/Sub-region, 2017 – 2027
12.11.1. U.S.
12.11.2. Canada
12.11.3. Rest of North America
12.12. Incremental Opportunity Analysis
13. Europe Fancy Yarn Market Analysis and Forecast
13.1. Regional Snapshot
13.2. Material Trend Analysis
13.2.1. Weighted Average Material
13.3. Key Trends Analysis
13.3.1. Demand Side Analysis
13.3.2. Supply Side Analysis
13.4. Brand Analysis
13.5. Consumer Buying Behavior Analysis
13.6. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Product Type, 2017 – 2031
13.6.1. Slub Yarn
13.6.2. Knob Yarn
13.6.3. Spiral Yarn
13.6.4. Gimp Yarn
13.6.5. Loop Yarn
13.6.6. Snarl Yarn
13.6.7. Others
13.7. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Material, 2017 – 2031
13.7.1. Cotton
13.7.2. Wool
13.7.3. Silk
13.7.4. Polyester
13.7.5. Rayon
13.7.6. Others
13.8. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 – 2031
13.8.1. Low
13.8.2. Medium
13.8.3. High
13.9. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By End-use, 2017 – 2031
13.9.1. Textile
13.9.2. Home Furnishing
13.9.3. Others
13.10. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 – 2031
13.10.1. Online
13.10.2. Offline
13.11. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, by Country/Sub-region, 2017 – 2031
13.11.1. U.K.
13.11.2. Germany
13.11.3. France
13.11.4. Rest of Europe
13.12. Incremental Opportunity Analysis
14. Asia Pacific Fancy Yarn Market Analysis and Forecast
14.1. Regional Snapshot
14.2. Material Trend Analysis
14.2.1. Weighted Average Material
14.3. Key Trends Analysis
14.3.1. Demand Side Analysis
14.3.2. Supply Side Analysis
14.4. Brand Analysis
14.5. Consumer Buying Behavior Analysis
14.6. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Product Type, 2017 – 2031
14.6.1. Slub Yarn
14.6.2. Knob Yarn
14.6.3. Spiral Yarn
14.6.4. Gimp Yarn
14.6.5. Loop Yarn
14.6.6. Snarl Yarn
14.6.7. Others
14.7. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Material, 2017 – 2031
14.7.1. Cotton
14.7.2. Wool
14.7.3. Silk
14.7.4. Polyester
14.7.5. Rayon
14.7.6. Others
14.8. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 – 2031
14.8.1. Low
14.8.2. Medium
14.8.3. High
14.9. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By End-use, 2017 – 2031
14.9.1. Textile
14.9.2. Home Furnishing
14.9.3. Others
14.10. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 – 2031
14.10.1. Online
14.10.2. Offline
14.11. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, by Country/Sub-region, 2017 – 2031
14.11.1. China
14.11.2. India
14.11.3. Japan
14.11.4. Rest of Asia Pacific
14.12. Incremental Opportunity Analysis
15. Middle East & Africa Fancy Yarn Market Analysis and Forecast
15.1. Regional Snapshot
15.2. Material Trend Analysis
15.2.1. Weighted Average Material
15.3. Key Trends Analysis
15.3.1. Demand Side Analysis
15.3.2. Supply Side Analysis
15.4. Brand Analysis
15.5. Consumer Buying Behavior Analysis
15.6. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Product Type, 2017 – 2031
15.6.1. Slub Yarn
15.6.2. Knob Yarn
15.6.3. Spiral Yarn
15.6.4. Gimp Yarn
15.6.5. Loop Yarn
15.6.6. Snarl Yarn
15.6.7. Others
15.7. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Material, 2017 – 2031
15.7.1. Cotton
15.7.2. Wool
15.7.3. Silk
15.7.4. Polyester
15.7.5. Rayon
15.7.6. Others
15.8. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 – 2031
15.8.1. Low
15.8.2. Medium
15.8.3. High
15.9. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By End-use, 2017 – 2031
15.9.1. Textile
15.9.2. Home Furnishing
15.9.3. Others
15.10. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 – 2031
15.10.1. Online
15.10.2. Offline
15.11. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, by Country/Sub-region, 2017 – 2031
15.11.1. GCC
15.11.2. South Africa
15.11.3. Rest of Middle East & Africa
15.12. Incremental Opportunity Analysis
16. South America Fancy Yarn Market Analysis and Forecast
16.1. Regional Snapshot
16.2. Material Trend Analysis
16.2.1. Weighted Average Material
16.3. Key Trends Analysis
16.3.1. Demand Side Analysis
16.3.2. Supply Side Analysis
16.4. Brand Analysis
16.5. Consumer Buying Behavior Analysis
16.6. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Product Type, 2017 – 2031
16.6.1. Slub Yarn
16.6.2. Knob Yarn
16.6.3. Spiral Yarn
16.6.4. Gimp Yarn
16.6.5. Loop Yarn
16.6.6. Snarl Yarn
16.6.7. Others
16.7. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Material, 2017 – 2031
16.7.1. Cotton
16.7.2. Wool
16.7.3. Silk
16.7.4. Polyester
16.7.5. Rayon
16.7.6. Others
16.8. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Price, 2017 – 2031
16.8.1. Low
16.8.2. Medium
16.8.3. High
16.9. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By End-use, 2017 – 2031
16.9.1. Textile
16.9.2. Home Furnishing
16.9.3. Others
16.10. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, By Distribution Channel, 2017 – 2031
16.10.1. Online
16.10.2. Offline
16.11. Fancy Yarn Market Size (US$ Bn and Million Units) Forecast, by Country/Sub-region, 2017 – 2031
16.11.1. Brazil
16.11.2. Rest of South America
16.12. Incremental Opportunity Analysis
17. Competition Landscape
17.1. Market Player – Competition Dashboard
17.2. Market Share Analysis – 2022 (%)
17.3. Company Profiles (Details – Company Overview, Sales Area/Geographical Presence, Revenue, Strategy & Business Overview)
17.3.1. Filpucci Spa. Company Overview Sales Area/Geographical Presence Revenue Strategy & Business Overview
17.3.2. Filati G.B. Srl Company Overview Sales Area/Geographical Presence Revenue Strategy & Business Overview
17.3.3. Ipeks Tekstil Company Overview Sales Area/Geographical Presence Revenue Strategy & Business Overview
17.3.4. Jiangyin Huayi Yarn Co. Ltd. Company Overview Sales Area/Geographical Presence Revenue Strategy & Business Overview
17.3.5. Laxtons Limited Company Overview Sales Area/Geographical Presence Revenue Strategy & Business Overview
17.3.6. Siyaram’s Silk Mills Limited Company Overview Sales Area/Geographical Presence Revenue Strategy & Business Overview
17.3.7. Sutlej Textiles & Industries Limited Company Overview Sales Area/Geographical Presence Revenue Strategy & Business Overview
17.3.8. Winning Textile Co. Ltd. Company Overview Sales Area/Geographical Presence Revenue Strategy & Business Overview
17.3.9. Softech Controls Pvt. Ltd. Company Overview Sales Area/Geographical Presence Revenue Strategy & Business Overview
17.3.10. PinterCaipo Company Overview Sales Area/Geographical Presence Revenue Strategy & Business Overview
18. Go to Market Strategy
18.1. Identification of Potential Market Spaces
18.1.1. Product Type
18.1.2. Material
18.1.3. Price
18.1.4. End-use
18.1.5. Distribution Channel
18.1.6. Region
18.2. Understanding the Procurement Process of the End-users
18.3. Preferred Sales & Marketing Strategy
Table 1: Global Fancy Yarn Market, by Product Type, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 2: Global Fancy Yarn Market, by Product Type, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 3: Global Fancy Yarn Market, by Material, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 4: Global Fancy Yarn Market, by Material, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 5: Global Fancy Yarn Market, by Price, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 6: Global Fancy Yarn Market, by Price, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 7: Global Fancy Yarn Market, by End-use, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 8: Global Fancy Yarn Market, by End-use, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 9: Global Fancy Yarn Market, by Distribution Channel, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 10: Global Fancy Yarn Market, by Distribution Channel, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 11: Global Fancy Yarn Market, by Region, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 12: Global Fancy Yarn Market, by Region, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 13: North America Fancy Yarn Market, by Product Type, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 14: North America Fancy Yarn Market, by Product Type, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 15: North America Fancy Yarn Market, by Material, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 16: North America Fancy Yarn Market, by Material, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 17: North America Fancy Yarn Market, by Price, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 18: North America Fancy Yarn Market, by Price, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 19: North America Fancy Yarn Market, by End-use, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 20: North America Fancy Yarn Market, by End-use, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 21: North America Fancy Yarn Market, by Distribution Channel, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 22: North America Fancy Yarn Market, by Distribution Channel, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 23: Europe Fancy Yarn Market, by Product Type, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 24: Europe Fancy Yarn Market, by Product Type, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 25: Europe Fancy Yarn Market, by Material, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 26: Europe Fancy Yarn Market, by Material, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 27: Europe Fancy Yarn Market, by Price, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 28: Europe Fancy Yarn Market, by Price, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 29: Europe Fancy Yarn Market, by End-use, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 30: Europe Fancy Yarn Market, by End-use, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 31: Europe Fancy Yarn Market, by Distribution Channel, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 32: Europe Fancy Yarn Market, by Distribution Channel, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 33: Asia Pacific Fancy Yarn Market, by Product Type, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 34: Asia Pacific Fancy Yarn Market, by Product Type, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 35: Asia Pacific Fancy Yarn Market, by Material, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 36: Asia Pacific Fancy Yarn Market, by Material, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 37: Asia Pacific Fancy Yarn Market, by Price, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 38: Asia Pacific Fancy Yarn Market, by Price, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 39: Asia Pacific Fancy Yarn Market, by End-use, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 40: Asia Pacific Fancy Yarn Market, by End-use, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 41: Asia Pacific Fancy Yarn Market, by Distribution Channel, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 42: Asia Pacific Fancy Yarn Market, by Distribution Channel, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 43: Middle East & Africa Fancy Yarn Market, by Product Type, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 44: Middle East & Africa Fancy Yarn Market, by Product Type, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 45: Middle East & Africa Fancy Yarn Market, by Material, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 46: Middle East & Africa Fancy Yarn Market, by Material, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 47: Middle East & Africa Fancy Yarn Market, by Price, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 48: Middle East & Africa Fancy Yarn Market, by Price, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 49: Middle East & Africa Fancy Yarn Market, by End-use, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 50: Middle East & Africa Fancy Yarn Market, by End-use, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 51: Middle East & Africa Fancy Yarn Market, by Distribution Channel, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 52: Middle East & Africa Fancy Yarn Market, by Distribution Channel, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 53: South America Fancy Yarn Market, by Product Type, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 54: South America Fancy Yarn Market, by Product Type, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 55: South America Fancy Yarn Market, by Material, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 56: South America Fancy Yarn Market, by Material, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 57: South America Fancy Yarn Market, by Price, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 58: South America Fancy Yarn Market, by Price, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 59: South America Fancy Yarn Market, by End-use, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 60: South America Fancy Yarn Market, by End-use, US$ Bn, 2017-2031
Table 61: South America Fancy Yarn Market, by Distribution Channel, Million Units, 2017-2031
Table 62: South America Fancy Yarn Market, by Distribution Channel, US$ Bn, 2017-2031